Irish and Viking Culture according to the Secret Life of Kells

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Irish and Viking Culture according to the Secret Life of Kells por Mind Map: Irish and Viking Culture according to the Secret Life of Kells

1. Refusal of the Call

1.1. Brandon know he must never leave the wall, because his uncle told him to never leave.

2. Mentor

2.1. Brother Aiden helps Branden of his journey to become a illuminatior.

3. Crossing the first Threshold

3.1. When Branden is in the Forest and it gets very dark and Branden gets lost in the woods.

4. Approach to immost Cave

4.1. Brandon gets braver and he have a conversations with Ashleing

5. Ordeal

5.1. Brandon had to fight Crum to get the eye

6. Reward

6.1. Brandon gets the crystal eye and was able to illumante the book of Iona

7. Vikings culture- based on the movie I can infer that vikings are very ruthless. They killed lots of people for their gold. They didn't care about kids, old people, or even the good people, anybody in their way would be slaughter.

8. Ordinary World

8.1. Brandon is a boy who chase chicken for their feathers so that the men can write. His uncle is their leader. Brandon lives in a Abby with walls surrounding them. All the people ion the Abby are very religious and all of the people live in fear of the Men from the North.

9. The Call of Adventure

9.1. Once a men called bother Aiden comes from Iona to escape the Vikings Brandon wants o know everything about him and the Book of Iona. Brother Aiden tells Brandon he can help with the only if he finds ink balls, so Brandon set of to the woods outside the walls to receive the ink balls.

9.2. Brandon must leave into the woods to find he eye so that he can illuminate the book

10. Test, Allies, and enemies

10.1. Test-Brandon had to fight the wolves off

10.1.1. Allie- the cat was very helpful, and Ashley help Brandon although out his journey Enemies-Crum was the monster Brandon fought off to get the eye.

11. The Road back

11.1. The journey that Brandon took with brother Aiden, they went all over showing people the book of Kells.

12. Ressurection

12.1. When Brandon return to Kells to meet his uncle and he see the destruction of kells.

13. Return with the Elixer

13.1. Brandon recreated the book but with a new name the Book of kells and he showed the book to his uncle, it proves that Brandon became a great illumantor.

14. Irish Cultrue

14.1. based on the movie, the Irish are very religious. Their people all care for each other. All the people lived in fear. Their people are great illmantors. They lived in a very religious place who is run by the Abbit of Kells