Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)

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Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) por Mind Map: Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)

1. ABM-3 Fundamentals of Accounting

1.1. Debit and Credit

1.2. T-Account

1.3. Trial Balance

1.4. Ledger

1.5. Journal

2. Business Math

2.1. fraction

2.2. ratio

2.3. MuCost

2.4. MuPrice

2.5. decimal and percent

3. Physical Education

3.1. swimming

3.2. badminton

3.3. aerobics

3.4. types of systems

3.5. fitness

3.6. health

4. Science

4.1. Physical Science

4.2. Elements and Isotopes

4.3. The Emergence of Ideas About Atom

4.4. Development of Atomic Structure

4.5. Polarity

5. ABM 7 Organizational Management

5.1. levels of management

5.1.1. top

5.1.2. middle

5.1.3. low level

5.2. Organization

5.3. kinds of resources

5.3.1. physical resources

5.3.2. human resources

5.3.3. financial resources

5.3.4. informational resources

5.4. Gantt Chart

5.5. types of resources

5.5.1. human

5.5.2. non-human

6. English 2 Reading and Writing

6.1. 3 Main Literary Genres

6.2. 2 Categories of Prose

6.3. Forms of Poetry

6.4. Drama forms

6.5. Well-written text

6.6. Outline formats

6.7. News critique

6.8. Novel


7.1. Microsoft Excel

7.2. Computer

7.3. Software

7.4. ICT System

7.5. Hardware

7.6. Web

7.7. Social Media

7.8. Ten Commandments in Computer Ethics

8. Math 2 Statistics and Probability

8.1. probability

8.2. mean

8.3. normal curve

8.4. variance

8.5. standard deviation

8.6. z-score

8.7. proportion

9. Filipino

9.1. teksto

9.1.1. naratibo

9.1.2. nanghihikayat

9.1.3. impormatibo

9.1.4. argumentatibo

9.1.5. deskriptibo

9.2. thesis