Fluffys Dog House

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Fluffys Dog House por Mind Map: Fluffys Dog House

1. Client Evaluation (Justin - 7)

1.1. Identification of needs (Justin 3)

1.1.1. Location and Measurements (Justin - 1)

1.1.2. Type of dog (Justin - 1)

1.1.3. Customers Requirements (Mason - .5)

1.1.4. Special Requests (Mason - .5)

1.2. Budget Determination (Justin - 4)

1.2.1. Determine Labor Costs (Mason -1)

1.2.2. Determine Material Cost (Mason -1)

1.2.3. Determine Tool Cost (Mason - .5)

1.2.4. Determine Permit Cost (Justin -.5)

1.2.5. Complete final Budget and agree to terms (Justin - 1)

2. Blueprint Design (Justin)

2.1. Design (Justin)

2.2. Specifications (Justin)

2.3. Determine Materials (Mason)

2.4. Proper permits (Mason)

2.5. Approval from Customer (Justin)

3. Closeout (Justin)

3.1. Finish project

3.2. Double check everything is complete (Maosn)

3.3. Show the clients (Justin)

3.4. Gain customer approval and satisfaction

3.5. Complete punch list (Mason)

3.6. Receieve Final payment if not already collected

4. Prepping (Mason)

4.1. Buy Materials (Mason)

4.1.1. Wood

4.1.2. Nails & Screws

4.1.3. Roofing

4.2. Buy Tools (Mason)

5. Assembly (Mason)

5.1. Line up Labor (Justin)

5.1.1. Get a crew of 2 guys Carpentry (Mason) Painting and design (Justin)

5.2. Delegate Labor to tasks (Mason)

5.3. Begin with foundation work (Mason)

5.4. Build Framing (Mason)

5.5. Put on walls (Mason)

5.6. Lay carpet (Mason)

5.7. Install Roof (Mason)

5.8. Paint exterior (Justin)