Is Space Exploration in General Beneficial To Humans? by SooJi Lee

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Is Space Exploration in General Beneficial To Humans? by SooJi Lee por Mind Map: Is Space Exploration in General Beneficial To Humans? by SooJi Lee

1. Counter Argument: There is always a reason for being expensive. If the world comes to an end one day, people will have to move to a new place, and this is the main reason why people are exploring space that costs a lot of money.

1.1. However, a lot of people now in Earth are constantly dying because of famine and illnesses. Isn't it more important to solve these problems first before paying billions of dollars to solve the problems that might not even occur at the future?

2. Yes because it produces societal benefits that improve people’s quality of life on Earth

2.1. answers some profound questions that offer a unique perspective

2.1.1. brings people closer to answering some profound questions that have been asked for millennia, like “Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?” offers a unique perspective on humanity’s place in the universe, satisfying their curiosity and inspiring wonder

2.2. creates international partnerships to develop new and better options for dealing with global challenges

2.2.1. international partnerships and technical capabilities required for space exploration contribute to developing new options for dealing with global challenges dealing with dangerous events like hazardous asteroids, for which space activities often offer better solutions Counter Argument: Do you actually need space exploration to develop these international partnerships? Can't people just sign a treaty to solve the problems instead of wasting billions of dollars here?

2.3. opens up new domains in science and technology

2.3.1. supports innovation by stimulating advances in science and technology improved solar panels and implantable heart monitors

3. No because there are a lot of problems people must consider about before exploring space

3.1. develops into a commercialized space industry

3.1.1. starts to advertise space exploration for money instead of trying to reach the actual goals of space exploration SpaceX's reusable rocket is expected to reduce costs for commercial satellites, Bigelow Aerospace is investing in space tourism, and Virgin Galactic is making spacefaring plane

3.2. is extremely expensive

3.2.1. 2014, the European Space Agency had a budget of about $5.51 billion ; the Russian Federal Space Agency had a budget of about $5.6 billion; Japan's space agency JAXA was funded at $2.03 billion; China National Space Administration (CNSA) spent about $1.3 billion time and dedication for it could be focused on ending famine, building developing countries, increasing the efforts to combat terminal illnesses, and battling pollution

3.3. needs to discover humans' own planet Earth before exploring different planets

3.3.1. scientific knowledge obtainable from Earth, particularly about organisms that inhabit in locations with extreme conditions, offer far more value than that of space places in Antarctica, the seabed, especially around volcanic regions, is relatively unexplored, and one recent news story about a ‘lost tribe’ also highlights the fact that humans are not in contact with all indigenous people across the planet