Working together :)

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Working together :) por Mind Map: Working together :)

1. Progressing together

1.1. Feedback

1.2. Conflict resolution

1.2.1. How to express disagreement & discomfort?

1.2.2. How to solve a conflict?

2. Internal Facilitation

2.1. Smooth internal meetings

2.1.1. Best practice check-in breaks every 90 minutes check-out

2.1.2. How to organize a summit?

2.2. Smooth projects

2.2.1. Running smooth internal meetings

2.2.2. Regular feedback time

2.2.3. Knowledge management communicating within OuiShare sharing knowledge

2.3. Running retrospectives

3. The Art of Facilitation

4. Notes about Working Together

5. Internal research : working in a community

5.1. Solidarity in a collective of Freelancers

6. Ouishare Values

6.1. Current values

6.2. Discussion on Loomio

7. Automating Tasks with Zapier and Airtable