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1. lesson 30

1.1. gramar:questions whit what. what did youbuy?. question with how much. how much does it coast?. this /that/ these/ those+noun. i don´t like that color. IRREGULAR PAST TENSE VERBS. Jhon caught the ball.

1.2. vocabulary. verbs. cost/cost, dance, help, record, sell/sold, take/took,

1.3. other. Here you are, over here,0 over there, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday,

1.4. question words(how much)+ auxiliary verb(does, do , did)+noun/pronoun(the pen, the books, the shirt)+main verb?(cost?)

1.5. question words(how much)+ auxiliary verb(is, are)+noun/pronoun(the shirt?, the shoes?)

2. lesson 29

2.1. gramar: MUST. she must leave. MUST NOT you must not eat in class. MAY/CAN, He may leave.

2.2. vocabulary

2.3. expressions:it´s (2210) other: gold, naval, silver. Nouns:admiral, captain, colonel, commander, ensingn, first lieutenant, general, ID car, identification, lieutenant, major, past Rank, second.

3. lesson 28

3.1. vocabulary

3.2. verbs: fallasleep, put on, take off, wear/wore

3.3. other: asleep, awake, colors; black, blue, Green orange, pink, purple, red.

3.4. gramar: CAN AS ABILITY

3.5. can you swim? Yes, Ican

4. Bernardo Ramirez Hernandez

5. lesson 25

5.1. vocabulary

5.2. verbs clean up cook, end, like (to), live play, start, visit

5.3. expressions all...long

5.4. other downtown

6. lesson 26

6.1. vocabulary other again

6.2. using past tense verbs

6.3. walk+ed=walked play+ed=played

6.4. using did+not+verb paul did not study paul didn´tstudy

7. lesson 27

7.1. vocabulary

7.2. verbs past tence

7.3. question Word (who, what, when, where)+did+subject(you, he, we, they)+verb (see, do, leave, go)+rest of sentence (last night?, yesterday?, class...)