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Object analysis por Mind Map: Object analysis

1. Morphological analysis

1.1. It's analysed by

1.1.1. Physical characteristics

1.1.2. Color

1.1.3. Shape

1.1.4. Size

1.2. We use drawings to complete the object.

2. Functional Analysis

2.1. We study how the object works.

2.2. It's utility

2.3. The Potential risks

2.4. Analyse the function of each part of the object

3. Technical Analysis

3.1. We evaluate how the object was made

3.1.1. The study of it's materials

3.1.2. The technology used to make it

3.1.3. How it's parts are joined together

3.1.4. The enviromental risks of the materials used

4. Economic Analysis

4.1. We analise the finantial cost of the product

4.1.1. Whether trhe matetrials procedures used are cheap

4.1.2. Whether the selling price is correct

5. Social Analysis

5.1. We study the object from the point of view of society

5.2. We also evaluate the enviromental impact and the recyclability

6. Aesthetic Analysis

6.1. We evaluate how we react to the object

6.1.1. Whether if it looks good or not