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Object Analysis por Mind Map: Object Analysis

1. we can estudy in morphological analysisn by :

1.1. its characteristics

1.2. its color

1.3. its size

1.4. its shape

2. functional analysis

2.1. we can study functional analysis by:

2.1.1. its utility

2.1.2. it use

2.1.3. its potential risk

3. technical analysis

3.1. we can estudy technical analysis by:

3.1.1. how it was made

3.1.2. the study of its materials

3.1.3. technology we had used to make it

3.1.4. how its parts join together

3.1.5. the environmental risk of materials used

4. economic analysis

4.1. we can analyse economical analysis by:

4.1.1. the financial cost of manufacturing the product

4.1.2. its selling price

4.1.3. studing the materials and manufacturing procedures

4.1.4. if it make´s the product cheaper or more expensive

5. Aesthetic Analysis

5.1. we can evaluate aesthetic analysis by:

5.1.1. with the reaction of our senses to the object

5.1.2. with its appaearance

5.1.3. if its nice or not

6. Social Analysis

6.1. we can evaluate aesthetic analysis by :

6.1.1. studing the object from the point of view of its social impact

6.1.2. analysing the human needs that it meets

6.1.3. its environmental impact

6.1.4. its recyclability

7. morphological analyis