Fluffy Dog House (Lauren 41.5 hours)

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Fluffy Dog House (Lauren 41.5 hours) por Mind Map: Fluffy Dog House (Lauren 41.5 hours)

1. Materials (Riley-6.5)

1.1. Wood- Riley-1

1.1.1. Buy wood -Riley- 0.5

1.1.2. Wood stain Buy wood stain -Riley- 0.5

1.2. Nails-Rley-0.5

1.2.1. Buy nails

1.3. Paint- Lauren- 3

1.3.1. Pick out paint color

1.3.2. Primer

1.3.3. Painters tape Buy tape

1.3.4. Paint brushes Buy paint, brushes, and tape

1.3.5. Paint the inside and outside of the house

1.4. Glue - Riley- 1

1.4.1. Buy glue

1.4.2. Use glue

1.5. Tarp - Riley 0.5

1.5.1. Buy tarp

1.6. Blueprint paper - Riley - 0.5

1.6.1. Buy paper for blueprints

2. Area (Riley -5)

2.1. Flat surface- Riley- 1

2.1.1. Finding a good location

2.2. Grass seed- Riley- 1 hours

2.2.1. Buy grass seed

2.2.2. Lay grass seed down

2.2.3. Water grass

2.3. Stone base- Riley- 3

2.3.1. Buy stones for base

2.3.2. Lay stones down

3. Accommodations Inside (Lauren -3)

3.1. Water bowl - Lauren - 0.5

3.1.1. Buy water bowl

3.1.2. Water Fill water in water bowl

3.1.3. Put water bowl inside dog house

3.2. Dog bed - Lauren - 1

3.2.1. Buy Dog Bed

3.2.2. Pillow Buy pillow for dog bed

3.2.3. Blanket Buy blanket

3.2.4. Set up dog bed

3.3. Dog bowl - Lauren- 0.5

3.3.1. Buy dog bowl

3.3.2. Dog food Buy dog food

3.4. Small bin - Lauren -1

3.4.1. Buy small bin

3.4.2. Dog toys Buy dog toys

3.4.3. Set up dog toy bin

4. Delivery (Lauren -2)

4.1. Delivery truck

4.1.1. Find delivery truck service - Lauren -1

4.1.2. Gas -Lauren - 0.5 Fill tank up with gas

4.1.3. Delivery driver -Lauren- 0.5 Hire a delivery driver

5. House (Riley- 11)

5.1. Roof

5.1.1. Build roof- Lauren- 3

5.1.2. Shingles Buy shingles for roof - Lauren- 0.5

5.2. Floor

5.2.1. Lay the flooring down- Riley- 2

5.3. Walls

5.3.1. Build the walls- Lauren- 2

5.3.2. Siding Put the sidings on the outside of the house- Riley- 1.5

5.4. Windows

5.4.1. Install windows- Riley-1

5.5. Dog door

5.5.1. Build a dog door- Riley-1

6. Tools (Lauren- 14)

6.1. Measuring tape

6.1.1. Take measurements of house- Lauren - 1

6.2. Level

6.2.1. use level to make sure everything is even- Lauren -1.5

6.3. Hammer

6.3.1. hammer the house - Riley - 3.5

6.4. Saw

6.4.1. Saw the wood - Riley - 3

6.5. Drill

6.5.1. drill the windows - Lauren - 2

6.6. Sand Paper

6.6.1. Sand the wood - Lauren -2

6.7. Buy tools - Riley- 1