Allen's Cognitive Dysfunction & Group Intervention Premise: Functional behavior is base...

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Allen's Cognitive Dysfunction & Group Intervention Premise: Functional behavior is based on cognition and changes in thinking patterns. por Mind Map: Allen's Cognitive Dysfunction & Group Intervention           Premise: Functional behavior is based on cognition and changes in thinking patterns.

1. Assessments

1.1. Allen's Cognitive Level Screen

1.2. Routine Task Inventory

1.3. Allen Diagnostic Module (ADM)

1.4. Cognitive Performance Test (CPT)

1.5. Lower Cognitive Level Test (LCL)

2. Goals of Groups

2.1. Ongoing Evaluation

2.2. Problem Solving in ADLs

2.3. Building Safe Environment

2.4. Building Safe Habits

3. Allen's Cognitive Levels

3.1. Level 1- Automatic Actions

3.1.1. Total Cognitive Assistance; Usable Task Area: Body; Activities: Sensory Stimulation

3.2. Level 2- Postural Actions

3.2.1. Maximum Cognitive Assistance; Usable Task Area: ROM; Activities: Gross Motor, Games, Dance

3.3. Level 3- Manual Actions

3.3.1. Moderate Cognitive Assistance; Usable Task Area: Arm's Reach; Activities: Simple, Repetitive Tasks

3.4. Level 4- Goal-Directed Actions

3.4.1. Minimum Cognitive Assistance; Usable Task Area: Visual Field; Activities: Several-Step Tasks

3.5. Level 5- Exploratory Actions

3.5.1. Standby Cognitive Assistance; Usable Task Area: Task Environment; Activities: Concrete Tasks

3.6. Level 6- Planned Actions

3.6.1. No Cognitive Assistance; Usable Task Area: Potential Task Environment; Activities: Conceptual Tasks

3.7. Level 0- Coma

4. Structure and Leadership of Group

4.1. Highly Structured

4.2. Clients with similar cognitive level

4.3. Directive Leadership Style

5. Common Diagnoses

5.1. Stroke

5.2. Mental Retardation

5.3. TBI

5.4. Autism

5.5. Schizophrenia

5.6. Psychotic Disorders

5.7. Learning Disabilities

5.8. Anxiety/ Substance Abuse

5.9. Personality Disorders

5.10. Dementia

6. Group Activities

6.1. Level 1

6.1.1. No Group Intervention

6.2. Level 2

6.2.1. Imitation of Movements, Simple Movement Games

6.3. Level 3

6.3.1. Crafts: Ribbon Mugs, Sticker Cards, Canvas Placemats, string popcorn, stuffing envelopes, attaching labels/stamps

6.4. Level 4

6.4.1. Crafts: Sanding & Painting Wooden Tile Trivets, woodworking kits, Ribbon Cards, Hug-A-Bear; Distractions should be removed from view

6.5. Level 5

6.5.1. Crafts: Clay and Mosaics, Multi-step woodworking kits, sewing soft dolls and doll clothes, stencil designs, iron-on decals; Recreational: Cooking, Hiking, Swimming; Safety should be monitored

6.6. Level 6

6.6.1. Place in Craft Groups for Assessment or in Level 5 groups