verb: verb is the type of word that can be modified to match the person, number, time, manner and...

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verb: verb is the type of word that can be modified to match the person, number, time, manner and appearance of the subject of the speaker por Mind Map: verb: verb is the type of word that can be modified to match the person, number, time, manner and appearance of the subject of the speaker

1. to get to leave to become to work to find to meet to say to eat to speak to write

2. it can be sexy I want to go to play My aunt will come to visit me I'm going to have a dog I love my dog ​​very much I like music I miss my brother I can make coffee I like to drink juice

2.1. I can get that stuffed animal I want to go for a walk I have to work as a waitress she found a treasure I want to meet my brother I can say that I am beautiful I want to eat pizza he wants to talk about a topic she will become a dancer

3. to be to go to come to have to love to like to miss to do to take to want