Helpful Ideas for TEYL

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Helpful Ideas for TEYL par Mind Map: Helpful Ideas for TEYL

1. 1. Supplement activities with visuals, realia, and movement.

1.1. Young learners tend to have short attention spans and a lot of physical energy

1.2. Use visuals, toys, puppets, and objects with bright colors

1.3. Create a visual and realia bank

1.4. Use Total Physical Response (TPR)

1.5. Use TPR Storytelling

2. 2. Involve students in making visuals and realia

2.1. Students draw different characters from a story or make puppets, masks, play-do sculptures

2.2. Collaborate with the art teacher to make visuals you need for your activities

2.3. Students contribute their own toys for the lesson (show and Tell)

3. 3. Move from activity to activity

3.1. Young learners have short attention spans: **For ages 5–7, keep activities around 5 and 10 minutes long. **For ages 8–10, keep activities 10 to 15 minutes long.

3.2. Involve: *Quie/noise exercises *Different skills: listening/talking/reading/writing *Individual/ pairwork/ groupwork/ whole class activities *Teacher-pupil/ pupil-pupil activities

4. 4. Teach in themes

4.1. Common themes for YLs: animals, friends, family, environment, citizenship, shopping, or units revolving around a storybooks, e-websites, celebrities, or movies students like.

4.2. Themes based on curricula from students’ other subjects are also effective

5. 5. Use stories and contexts familiar to students

5.1. Take a favorite story in the L1 and translate it into English

5.2. Allow students a chance to personalize content every lesson

6. 6. Establish classroom routines in English

6.1. Clap short rhythms for students to repeat.

6.2. Start the lesson with song or chant

6.3. Add classroom language to the routines as well

7. 7. Use L1 as a resource when necessary

7.1. Quickly make a difficult expression comprehensible by translating into L1

7.2. Use L1 for complicated directions for activities

8. 8. Bring in helpers from the community 9. Collaborate with other teachers in your school. 10. Communicate with other TEYL professionals.

9. 9. Collaborate with other teachers in your school.

10. 10. Communicate with other TEYL professionals.