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Exchange par Mind Map: Exchange

1. add database

1.1. MP - ap.local: 1.added private mailbox database; 2 modified exchange database(mount database); 3 added private mailbox database; 4 added msExchMDBCopy.

1.2. MP ap2.local: 1 added msExchMDBCopy; 2 added private mailbox database

2. delete database

2.1. MP - ap.local: 1 Removed msExchMDBCopy; 2 Removed Private Mailbox Database; 3 Removed Private Mailbox Database

2.2. MP - ap2.local: 1 Removed Private Mailbox Database; 2 Removed msExchMDBCopy

3. mount database

3.1. MP - ap.local: modified exchange database(mount database)

4. dismount database

4.1. MP - ap.local: modified exchange database(dismount database)

5. change database preferenses

6. add mailbox(exiting user)

6.1. add mailbox to root domain(ap.local)

6.1.1. 2 actions modified user (1 details: properties of mailbox; 2 details: mailboxcreated) MP - ap.local

6.2. add mail box to child domain(child.ap.local)

6.2.1. 2 actions modified user (1 details: properties of mailbox; 2 details: mailboxcreated) MP - child.ap.local

6.3. add mailbox to tree domain(ap2.local)

6.3.1. 2 actions modified user (1 details: properties of mailbox; 2 details: mailboxcreated) MP - ap2.local

6.4. add linked mailbox(ap3.local)

6.4.1. 1 action modified user mailboxcreated (MP - where linked user created)

7. delete mailbox

7.1. delete mailbox to root domain(ap.local)

7.1.1. 1 action modified user mailbox removed (MP- ap.local) (user deleted too)

7.2. delete mail box to child domain(child.ap.local)

7.2.1. 1 action modified user mailbox removed (MP- child.ap.local) (user deleted too)

7.3. delete mailbox to tree domain(ap2.local)

7.3.1. 1 action modified user mailbox removed (MP- ap2.local) (user deleted too)

7.4. delete linked mailbox(ap3.local)

7.4.1. 1 action modified user mailbox removed (MP- where linked user created) (master user don't, linked user deleted too)

8. disable mailbox

8.1. disable mailbox to root domain(ap.local)

8.1.1. 1 action modified use properties of mailbox changes (MP - ap.local)

8.2. disable mail box to child domain(child.ap.local)

8.2.1. 1 action modified use properties of mailbox changes (MP - child.ap.local)

8.3. disable mailbox to tree domain(ap2.local)

8.3.1. 1 action modified use properties of mailbox changes (MP - ap2.local)

8.4. disable linked mailbox(ap3.local)

8.4.1. 1 action modified use properties of mailbox changes (MP - where linked user created)

9. connect to mailbox (other user)

9.1. connect to mailbox to root domain(ap.local)

9.2. connect to mailbox mailbox to child domain(child.ap.local)

9.3. restore mailbox to tree domain

9.4. restore linked mailbox

10. add mailbox(new user)

10.1. add mailbox to root domain(ap.local)

10.1.1. 1 action modified user mailboxcreated (MP - ap.local)

10.2. add mail box to child domain(child.ap.local)

10.2.1. 1 action modified user mailboxcreated (MP - child.ap.local)

10.3. add mailbox to tree domain(ap2.local)

10.3.1. 1 action modified user mailboxcreated (MP - ap2.local)

11. delete disconnected mailbox

11.1. 1 message modified store mailbox ( database changed... , mailbox state change to "disabled") MP - ap.local

12. connect to mailbox (the same user)

12.1. connect to mailbox to root domain(ap.local)

12.1.1. 2 mesages modified user (1 private mailbox database changed...; 2 force changed to True, private mailbox database changed...) MP- ap.local

12.2. connect to mailbox mailbox to child domain(child.ap.local)

12.2.1. 2 mesages modified user (1 private mailbox database changed...; 2 force changed to True, private mailbox database changed...) MP- ap.local

12.3. restore mailbox to tree domain

12.3.1. 2 mesages modified user (1 private mailbox database changed...; 2 force changed to True, private mailbox database changed...) MP- ap.local

12.4. restore linked mailbox