Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto, Japan Network

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Kyoto, Japan par Mind Map: Kyoto, Japan

1. Inhabitants

1.1. Inhabitants of Kyoto

1.2. Inhabitants of Japan

2. Visitors

2.1. People that visit Kyoto

3. Volunteers

3.1. Volunteers working in Kyoto

4. First aid

4.1. Hospitals in Kyoto

5. Food & Beverage

5.1. 173 Restaurants with at least 1 Michelin star

6. Associations/ Clubs

6.1. Japan Association of City Mayors

7. Companies

7.1. Hotels

7.2. Itami Airport (Osaka)

8. Government

8.1. Government of Japan

8.2. Municipality of Kyoto

9. Media

9.1. The Japan Times

9.2. Kyoto Shimbun News

10. Education

10.1. Schools in Kyoto

10.2. University of Kyoto

11. Attractions

11.1. 17 monuments on historic and ancient Kyoto

12. Cultural venues

12.1. ICOM Kyoto

12.2. Kyotographie

13. Cultural organizations

13.1. The Japan Foundation Kyoto Office