Mind-Mapping Nursing Care Case Study Mangum: Nutrition

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Mind-Mapping Nursing Care Case Study Mangum: Nutrition par Mind Map: Mind-Mapping Nursing Care Case Study Mangum: Nutrition

1. Interventions

1.1. Nurse will include the client in teaching about adequate nutritional intake, beginning with establishing goals and objectives about healthier eating habits.

1.2. Nurse will encourage client to intake foods high in protein, vitamin A, and vitamin C

1.3. Nurse will set appropriate short and long term goals for patient's ability to select appropriate food for meals.

1.4. Nurse will ascertain appropriate caloric intake for client's age, weight, and height.

1.5. Nurse will instruct the patient to limit the intake of added sugar, including sugary drinks, to less than 10% of calories per day.

2. Client Education

2.1. Body Image

2.2. Quality Nutritional Intake

2.3. IBW Range

2.4. Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C Intake

3. Areas of Assessment

3.1. Lab Values

3.1.1. Serum Albumin

3.1.2. RBC & WBC Counts

3.1.3. Serum Electrolytes Values

3.1.4. Transferrin

3.2. Look For Physical Signs of Poor Nutritional Intake

3.3. Nutritional History

3.3.1. Honey Buns

3.3.2. Gatorade

3.4. Note Exact Weight in Order to Calculate Caloric & Nutrient Requirements

4. How Do Findings Affect Nursing Care?

4.1. Patient's Weight

4.2. Normal Range for Lab Values

4.3. Self Esteem

4.4. Ensure Quality Nutritional Intake