anti-corruption solutions

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anti-corruption solutions par Mind Map: anti-corruption solutions

1. proper policy

1.1. primary measures

1.2. secondary measures

2. goal

2.1. stronger action for restructuring the fiscal system

3. ability to control corruption

3.1. consolidated democracies

3.2. free societies

4. measures

4.1. controlling corruption

4.2. less share of the public sector

4.3. increasing transparency

4.4. empowering citizens

4.5. anticorruption policy

4.6. new anti-corruption law

4.7. stronger institutions

4.8. endogenous institutions

4.9. incentives to eliminate corruption

4.10. improvements in rule of law

4.11. zero tolerance

4.12. transparent political system

4.13. access to information

4.14. appropriate punishments

4.15. OLAF independent from EC

4.16. protection for whistleblowers and witnesses

4.17. eradication of bribery

4.18. punishment

4.19. system of national integrity