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PUBLICATIONS SUR LE MIND MAPPING de A à E suivez le lien pour la carte de F à Z par Mind Map: PUBLICATIONS SUR LE MIND MAPPING de A à E suivez le lien pour la carte de F à Z

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1.1.1. carte débutée en 2014

1.1.2. 2017 novembre 3/11/2017 7/11/2017 23/11/2017 25/11/2017 décembre 02/12/2017 12/12/2017 16/12/2017 19/12/2017 improving writing ability using mind mapping technique for the eleventh grade students MIND MAP APPLICATION BASED ON AUGMENTED REALITY Mind Mapping and Students' Writing Performance

1.1.3. 2018 janvier improving students' motivation in writting descriptive textes by using mind mapping effect of mind mapping on reading comprehension of the first year students of Sman Plus Riau improving students ability in speaking descriptive text by using mind mapping application of mind mapping teaching model to enhanse natural science learning achievement utilizing mind mapping as assessment tool for reading comprehension Mind Maps as a Lifelong Learning Tool Using Mind Maps to Make Student Questioning Effective: Learning Outcomes of a Principle-Based Scenario for Teacher Guidance février Utilization of mind map painting on 3D shapes with curved faces Sharing mind map-oriented approach to enhance collaborative mobile learning with digital systems mars ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ RESPONSE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RMS (READING, MIND MAPPING, AND SHARING) LEARNING MODEL IN PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE effectiveness ofof mind mapping technique reading comprehension of narrative text Impact of Electronic Mind Maps on Students’ Reading Comprehension using MM enhances students' ability in speaking report text avril MIND MAPPING COLLABORATIVE WRITING TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHING WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS The Effectiveness of Career Information Service with Mind Mapping Technique to Improve Students Occupational Knowledge Use of Mind Mapping in the Teaching of Middle School Reading Comprehensio Application of Learning Model Mind Mapping and Think Pair Share to Improving Activity and Student Learning Results IMPROVING STUDENTS'READING COMPREHENSION BY USING MIND MAPPING TO THE SECOND SEMESTER STUDENTS OF MANAJEMEN INFORMATIKA mai Validity of worksheet-based guided inquiry and mind mapping for training students’ creative thinking skills Analysis of logical thinking using mind mapping juin Improving the Eleventh Graders's Recount Text Writing through Mind mapping Technique at SMA PSKD 7 Depok Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry with Mind Mapping to Improve Science Process Skills and Learning Motivation Implementation of Problem Based Learning with Mind Mapping to Improve The Student's Understanding of Concept Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAPPING vs. lecture method on knowledge regarding mood disorder among nursing students in selection... juillet Effect of Constructive Imaginative Mind Maps, Vee Maps, and Concept Maps on Students' Attitude and Ability to Write Short Stories Developing a Prophetic Values-Based Mind Mapping Learning Model in Writing Expositions août Technology-Assisted Mind Mapping Technique in Writing Classrooms: An Innovative Approach THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAPPING ON VISUAL-LEARNING-STYLED STUDENTS IN WRITING ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY AT IAIN TULUNGAGUNG EFFECTIVENESS OF USING MINDMAPPING TECHNIQUE TOWARDS THE STUDENTS’ READING ACHIEVEMENT IN NARRATIVE TEXT AT MAN 3 TULUNGAGUNG THE USE OF MIND MAPPING technique to imrove 11th grade hight school students' reading comprehension of explanation text. The Implementation of Mind Mapping in Teaching Writing of Recount Text to Eighth Graders of Junior High School Development of Humanistic Statistics Learning Devices Based one Inquiry and Mind Mapping Models septembre IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE IMPROVING STUDENTSSPEAKING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS THROUGH MIND MAPPING AT GRADE X1 THE EFFECT OF CONCEPT MAPPING AND MIND MAPPING UTILIZATION ON STUDENTS'UNDERSTANDING LEVEL: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY EFFECTS OF USING COMPUTERIZED CONCEPT MAPPING ON DEVELOPING READING COMPREHENSION IN AN ADVANCED COLLEGE READING COURSE octobre The Effectiveness of using Mind Mapping Strategy and Making Inference toward Students' Vocabulary Achievement THE EFFECT OF MAPPING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS'ACHIEVEMENT IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT Electronic Mind Mapping: Promote Students' Engagement in Speaking-Based Activities VALIDITY TEST OF HANDOUT BASED ON MINDMAP IN BIOLOGY LEARNING STRATEGY AND DESIGN SUBJECT Mind Mapping vs Semantic Mapping: Which Technique Gives EFL Learners more Benefits in Reading Comprehension? Use of Mind-Mapping Technique to Improve Nursing Student's Writing Skill at Stikes RS Baptis Kediri IMPLEMENTATION OF MAPING CONCEPT TO ENHANCE FOURTH GRADERS ON SCIENCE SUBJECT IN SDN KEBRAON IV/565 SURABAYA IMPROVING STUDENTS'WRITING ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE novembre USING COMBINATION BETWEENPROJECT-BASED-LEARNING AND MIND MAPPING TOIMPROVE STUDENTS'WRITING SKILL The Effectiveness of the E-mind Mapping Strategy for Sixth-Grade Students’ Achievement Level in Learning Arabic Vocabulary in Kuwait Using a Mind Map to Learn English Vocabulary décembre Teaching Reading Announcement Text Using Mind Mapping for Senior High School effect of of MM technique on the ability of the first year students of SMPN 8 PEKANBARU in writing descriptive texts use of mind mapping to improve writing skill of the eighth grade students of junior high school Mind Maping as Support for Economic Studies E-learning Using Mobile-Assisted Mind Mapping Technique (MAMMAT) to Improve Writing Skills of ESL Students The Application of Mind Mapping Method in Learning of Mathematics digital MM as a self-regulated learning in 21 st century elementary education Implementation of Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of Civil Education Mind-mapping a tool for eliciting and representing knowledge held by diverse informants Use of Mind Mapping Technique to Enhance Writing Skills of Grade Four Bhutanese Students MM as tools for expanding EFL students vocabulary

1.1.4. 2019 janvier MIND MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION USE OF MIND MAPPING ON IMPROVING STUDENTS'WRITING ABILITY AT TENTH GRADE OF SMAN 7 KOTA TANGERANG IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF IMPROVING STORY WRITING SKILLS WITH MIND MAPPING ASSISTED BY VIDEO AND PICTURE MEDIA TO CLASS V STUDENTS AT SDN KAMOJING KARAWANG DISTRICT EFFECT OF USING MIND MAPPING STRATEGY ON THE STUDENTS’ SKILL IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT USE OF MIND MAPPING AND FLOW CHARTING IN TEACHING ENGLISH WRITING SKILL OF INTROVERTED STUDENTS Effect of Mind Mapping Technique on Student Intrinsic Motivation at Higher Education Level Effect of Mind Mapping Technique on Poetry Writing Skills Elementary School Students Exploitation de la carte heuristique comme outil pédagogique pour l'amélioration de la production écrite en classe du FLE Cas des élèves de la 5ème année … Cooperative Learning Mode of Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) with Mind Mapping Technique to Increase 4th Grade Students Learning Result Coggle: SWOT Analysis in Lifelong Learning Education Using Online Collaborative Mind-Mapping Improvement of Learning Outcomes of Social Theme Using Group Investigation and Mind Mapping Models for Students in SDN 3 Alalak Selatan Banjarmasin Influence of Mind Mapping Learning Model to the Fourth Graders Primary Students' Creativity Increasing 10th grade students' mathematical representation through mind mapping strategy DOES MIND MAPPING ENHANCE LEARNING ? IMPROVING DESCRIPTIVE WRITING ABILITY THROUGH MIND MAPPING février strategy : is it effective or not to improve the students' ability in writting tourism brochures ? Text mapping technique in the reading of narrative text Implementation of Story Mapping and Mind Mapping Toward Students’ Reading Comprehension Enhancement: A Comparative Study Group Guidance of Mind Mapping to Improve Critical Thinking Skills Application of Jigsaw and Mind Mapping to Increase Student’s Learning Result Mind Mapping Model, Student Learning and Creativity: Evidence From Economics Lesson of Senior High School Een interventiestudie naar Mind Mapping en tekstverwerking in de derde graad lager onderwijs (groep 7 en 8) Mind Maps As Classroom Exercises INTRODUCING MIND MAP IN COMPREHENSION Use of Mind Mapping Method in Enhancing Student’s Writing Skill of Recount Text Mind Mapping Model in Learning Semarangan Batik Painting Using mind mapping to improve argumentative essay score of the eleventh graders in Elyon Christian School Effect of Graphic Organizers Strategy on Reading Comprehension ofStudents with Difference Learning Styles. Carte heuristique et orthophonie: élaboration d'un outil d'enrichissement lexical Utilisation de la carte conceptuelle auprès de formateurs en santé pour l’apprentissage de concepts pédagogiques THE USE OF MIND MAPPING IN TEACHING SPEAKING AT SMP YIMI FULL DAY SCHOOL GRESIK mars La carte heuristique et la compréhension de l’écrit en situation de classe du F.L.E. Cas de 5èmeAnnée Primaire IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAPS IN TEACHING PHYSICS: EDUCATIONAL EFFICIENCY AND STUDENTS’ INVOLVEMENT THE QUALITY OF STUDENTS’ MIND MAPPING AT IAIN BUKITTINGGI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ CREATIVE THINKING IN THE ECOLOGICAL LEARNING THROUGH MIND MAPPING STRATEGY - A DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH Improving Students’ Vocabulary through Word Mapping Technique introducing Concept Maps in Undergraduate Thermodynamics Mind Mapping Method Based on Information Scheme: Alternative for students with reading comprehension difficulties USING MIND-MAPPING AS A TRANSITION FROM RECEPTIVE TO PRODUCTIVE SKILLS FOR SECOND-DEGREE LEARNERS avril Effect of Mind-mapping on Students’ Descriptive Writing Skills with Particular Reference to Grade11 Students at Woreta Preparatory School Mind mapping: an effective model to improve thematic learning outcomes intérêt d’une mind map pour favoriser l’innovationmultidisciplinaire Construction of Mobile Wisdom in English Teaching Based on Mind Mapping DEVELOPMENT OF SHORT STORY LEARNING WITH A MODEL MIND MAPPING IN STUDENTS OF CLASS XI MULTIMEDIA VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF WIRA … MULTIMODAL MAPPING: USING MIND MAPS TO NEGOTIATE EMERGING PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION PRACTICES AND IDENTITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION utilization of mind map painting on 3D shapeswith curved faces Effect of Mind Mapping on Teaching and Learning:A Meta-Analysis Effect of Mind Mapping on EFL Students’ Idea Development in Argumentative Writing across Gender Differences and Learning Styles MOTIVATING STUDENTS’ LEARNINGUSING WORD ASSOCIATION TEST ANDCONCEPT MAPS Cartes mentales et cartes conceptuelles en Education Learning Writing Description Paragraph Based on Mind Mapping A Module on News Text Writing Development with Mind Mapping Techniques for VIII Grade Junior High School/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students Effect of Mind Mapping Method on the Ability of Writing Narrative Writings for Class VII Students mai Use of Mind Mapping as a LearningStrategy by Physician Assistant Students PromoteCritical Thinking as Measured by the HealthScience Reasoning Test Effect of Learning with The Mindmapping Method Using Imindmaptowards Student’s Analytical Ability Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping Method to Improve Child Development Assesment IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL IN COMPOUNDCOMPLEX SENTENCE THROUGH MIND MAPPING AT GRADE X OF SMA METHODIST-2 KISARAN IN SCHOOL YEAR 2014/ 2015 application of mind mapping learning methodsto imrove activities and results of student learning in 2013 intergrated thematiccurriculum learning EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAPPING AND BRAINSTORMING TECHNIQUES TO TEACH WRITING TO VISUAL AND READ WRITE LEARNING STYLE … Influence of Mind Mapping Method Implementation on Learning Results Social Science is Required from Students Interest Utilizing mind-mapping to foster career exploration of high school students Combining Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Mind Mapping to improve Students’ Activity and Learning Achievement juin USING MIND MAPPING TO IMPROVE ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING SCORE OF ELEVENTH GRADERS GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS PERCEPTION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAP ON SCIENTIFIC APPROACH Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique to Improve The Student’sWriting Ability of English Descriptive Texts: A Mixed Method THE USE OF MIND MAPPING STRATEGY TO IMPROVE SPEAKING COMPETENCY AMONG EFL PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS MIND MAPPING- A LEARNING STRATEGY!! AMONG DENTAL STUDENTS: ACOMPARATIVE STUDY juillet Effectiveness of the Application of Mind Maps in Learning Illustration in Elementary Schools Development Of Student Worksheets Based On M-APOS Approach With Mind Mapping To Improve Mathematical Communication Ability Of Grade VII Students Of … EFFECTIVENESS of MM technique to teach students'speaking ability at the tenth grade stidents Carte heuristique comme outil pédagogique dans la compréhension écrite du conte en FLE Cas des élèves de la 5ème année primaire, école de MANSOUR ABD … Effect of Using Electronic Mind Map as a Medium of Instruction on Fourth Graders' Arabic Reading Comprehension at Jordan Nuturing students' writing narrative interest throught mind mapping and cooperative integrated reading and writting Effect of Using Mind Mapping in Comprehending Narrative Reading Text août Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Model and Think Pair Share Aided by Audio Visual Media to Improve Fantasy Story Writing Skill Application of the Mind Map in English Grammar Teaching Comparison of Mind Mapping and Semantic Mapping to Enhance the Reading Comprehension MODIFIED VIDEO AND MIND MAPPING IN TEACHING WRITING septembre DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL THROUGH JIGSAW, MIND-MAPPING, AND ROUNDTABLE TECHNIQUES Improving Creativity of Students of Sanur Wisata Junior High School Through The Application of Group Investigation (GI) Learning Model Based on Mind Mapping Media Use of Mind Mapping Technique to Increase EFL Students’ Motivation in Writing IMPLEMENTATION OF BEACH BALL TYPE DISCUSSION LEARNING MODEL WITH MIND MAPPING STRATEGY TO TRAIN CREATIVE THINKING SKILL IN CLASS X ON CHEMICAL BOND MATTER IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF MTS N 3 LAMPUNG UTARA IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAPPING ON NARRATIVE WRITING TEXT IN ENGINEERING octobre Significance of Mind Mapping in English Teaching in Independent Colleges Implementation Of Mind Mapping Technique to Improve Students Understanding in English Morphology EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAP TECHNIQUE IN IMPROVING ACTIVITY AND LEARNING OUTCOMES OF STUDENTS EFFECTIVENESS of MM to improve student's ability in identifying supporting details of narrative text Mind Mapping Based Creative Problem Solving: Train The Creative Thinking Skills of Vocational School Students in Physics Learning EFFECT OF CREATING A MIND MAP ON HOW PROSPECTIVE SCIENCE TEACHERS LEARN ABOUT THE LIVES OF SCIENTISTS: THE CASE OF ALBERT EINSTEIN Learning to Write a Descriptive Paragraph with a Mind Mapping Model Improving Reading Comprehension Skills on a Short Fictional Textusing Mind Maps in a tenth grade Foreign Language class USE OF MIND MAP TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY effect of grammar wheeland mind mappingon the students'writting of narrative text Collaborative mind mapping to support online discussion in teacher education teacher education novembre Implementation of Mind Mapping Learning Model with Picture Media for the Theme of the Beauty of Togetherness Grade IV Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al- Fitrah Oesapa, Kupang effet de l’enseignement/apprentissage du lexique à travers l’utilisation des cartes heuristique sur la production écrite IMPROVING STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT IN WRITING SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE Improving Students Reading Comprehension and Grammar Mastery on Narrative Text Through Mind Mapping Technique at The XII IPA-5 Grades on SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan 2015 Clasroom Action Research Enhancing Students’ Engagement in TBLT: The Implementation of Mind Mapping Implementation of Mind Mapping Enhancing Students’ Engagement in TBLT AND DOUBLE/ TRIPLE ENTRYIN ENHANCING THE WRITING SKILL OFINTROVERTED STUDENTS ENHANCING FRESHMAN STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILLS WITH A MINDMAPPING SOFTWARE ENHANCING COLLEGE LANGUAGE TEACHER’S SKILL THROUGH MIND MAPPING STRATEGY Mind Mapping to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Achievement of Elementary School Student Effect of RMS models (reading, mind mapping and sharing) based on e-learning to the learning outcomes of students in the teaching andlearning subject Digital mind maps in teaching materials science at the university level décembre Integration of STAD withMind mapping to Enhanced Student Cognitive Through Classroom Action Research Mind Mapping Session in Computer Network course for Ecological Science Students in Universiti Putra Malaysia Effect of Sheet Powerpoint in Mind Map and Entry Behavior Towards Students' Cognitive Competence in Learning Natural Science in Grade VIII Guiding Question and Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Recount Text for EFL Students Analysis ofMathematicsLearninginJuniorHigh SchoolLinearFunctionMaterialwithMind Mapping BasedOnGender Research on the Application of Mind Mapping in Flipped Classroom of College English ImprovingStudents’ Vocabulary andActivenessUsing Mind Mapping: A Classroom Action Research of 1stSemester Students of Law Faculty Semarang University Mind Mapping: Learning strategy for novice learners of anatomy for physical education undergraduate program APPLICATION OF MIND MAPPING LEARNING MODEL IN RECOUNT WRITING POWER OF MIND MAPPING TO PRODUCE GOOD WRITING PRODUCT A study to assess the effectiveness of mind mapping technique vs lecture method regarding psychological test on knowledge among nursing students at St. James College of Nursing, Chalakudy Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Mind Mapping on Science Process Skills Student Application of Mind Mapping in Emergency Nursing Teaching for Nursing Students in High Vocational Colleges

1.1.5. 2020 janvier APPLICATION OF MIND MAPPING METHOD TO INTEREST STUDENTS IN READING COMPREHENSION Mind mapping tool increased critical thinking through blended learning IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAPPING IN TARKIB LEARNING TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES influence of metacognitive training on the improvement of working memory in children with ADHD EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAPPING -ALPHABOXESCOMBINATION IN TEACHING WRITING RECOUNTTEXT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MIND MAPPING TECHNIC INTO THE PROCESS OFTEACHING CADETS ENGLISH FORPROFESSIONAL PURPOSES Utilisation of mind map and TPACKwithin-pair checkto enhance communication skil février IMPROVING THE RECOUNT TEXT WRITING ABILITYBY USINGMIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE AMONG THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS AT MTs MIFTAHUL HUDA SEPUTIH RAMANCENTRAL LAMPUNG Implementing Direct Instruction Model with Mind Mapping Method on Static Fluids Relationship between Critical Thinking and Knowledge Acquisition: The Role of Digital Mind Maps-PBL Strategies ENHANCING WRITING SKILL OF TOURISM AND MANAGEMENT BUSINESS STUDENTS THROUGH MIND MAPPING USE OF MIND MAPPING IN IMPROVING WRITING SKILL AT FOURTH SEMESTER OF ENGLISH STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY QAMARUL HUDA BADARUDDIN BAGU EFFECT OF MIND MAPPING OF WRITING ACHIEVEMENT IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT OF GRADE X STUDENTS Analysis of Problem Based Learning Model with Mind Mapping to Increase 21st Century Skills INCREASING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ABILITYTHROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE OF REPORT TEXTAT THE FIRST GRADE OFSMAN 2NATAR Improving Students’ Speaking Skills in Generating Idea Through New Concept of Mind Mapping Technique mars INFLUENCE OF USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL IN THE DESCRIPTIVETEXT AT THE 10THGRADE OF SMA NEGERI 1 TULANG BAWANG TENGAH IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2019/2020 Creative Thinking Ability of V Grade Students through Mind Mapping Learning Model Application of Mind Mapping Learning Models to Improve Students’ Reading Skill in 4th Grade of Primary School MIND MAP IMPLEMENTATION IN INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION TO IMPROVE PGSD STUDENTS' CREATIVITY Development of Mind Mapping Pocket Book in Quadrangular Materials to Improve Self Regulated Learning of Grade VII Junior High School Students La carte mentale : entre « efficacité limite miraculeuse » et « inutilité »La carte mentale : entre « efficacité limite miraculeuse » et « inutilité » mentale : entre “ efficacité limite miraculeuse ” et “ inutilité ” avril Mind Mapping in Learning Models: A Tool to Improve Student Metacognitive Skills Impact of mind mapping on the critical thinking ability of clinical nursing students and teaching application Effect of Mind Mapping and Learning Style on Concepts Mastery and Students’ Representation Skills EXPERIENCES OF ONLINE COLLABORATIVE MINDMAPPING Development of Pocket Book Learning Media Based on Mind Mapping, Dynamic Material Application of Indonesian Democracy in Senior High School EFFECT OF MIND MAPPING ON CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS OF UNDERGRADUATE NURSING STUDENTS Development of Pocket Book Learning Media Based on Mind Mapping, Dynamic Material Application of Indonesian Democracy in Senior High School Application of E-Mind Map Learning Model Based on Criminology in Improving the Quality of Learning cartes mentales,pour une pratique pédagogique plus réflexive La carte mentale au service des apprentissages au cycle 3 Mind Mapping: A Tool for Developing Creativity in Students IMPROVING WRITING ABILITY BY USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE FOR FIRST YEAR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN AN EFL CONTEXT The Influence of Mind Mapping Learning Method on Student Learning Results Suivre l’engagement des apprenants dans l’activité deconstruction de cartes mentales Using Picture Stories and Mind Maps to Improve Narrative Ability of a CI Student MIND MAPPING IN TEACHING WRITING Using Mind Map In Teaching Mathematics: An Experimental Study mai Exploring the Potential of User Modeling based on Mind Maps Mind Mapping Strategy in Integrative Information Services to Improve Student Career Plan Impact of Mind-Mapping Method to Student’s Career Decision-Making EFFECT OF PROBLEM SOLVING LEARNING MODEL BASED MIND MAP TO THE STUDENT’S LEARNING OUTCOMES IN ELEVENTH GRADE OF CLASS IPS AT SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 2 SURABAYA Blended Humor and Mind Mapping in Improving 21st Century Skills Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Strategy in Teaching of English Vocabulary at Secondary Level use of mind-mapping technique in the EFL classroom juin An Empirical Study of the Application of Mind Mapping in College English Reading-Writing Teaching The Effect of Mind Mapping Teaching Technique on Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at Grade X of SMKTeladan Tanah Jawa La carte mentale pour favoriser l’apprentissage du Business Model etsusciter la créativité des apprenants TEACHING VOCABULARY THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP SANTO THOMAS 3 MEDAN Application of the Mind Map in Learning English Vocabulary USING OF INTELLECTUAL MAPS AT THE LESSONS OF MATHEMATICS AT GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS juillet Effectiveness of digital mind mapping over paper-based mind mapping on students’ academic achievement in Environmental Science The Effect of Using Digital vs. Traditional Mind Mapping Strategy on Iranian Young Students’ PerceptionElham Karamifard,Mohammad Minaeifar THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVETEXT AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTSN 3 LAMPUNG UTARA IMPROVING STUDENTS` SPEAKING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS THROUGH MIND MAPPING Towards a Mixed-Reality Interface for Mind-Mapping Suivre l’engagement des apprenants dans l’activité de construction de cartes mentales DU MIND MAPPING AUX CARTES DE L’ERRANCE Utilisation de la carte heuristique pourle développement de la conscience morphologiqueet la compréhension lecturale auprès des étudiants du département de français à la faculté de pédagogie USING MIND MAPPING TO INCREASETHE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION(Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs N Salatiga in the Academic Year 2019/2020) Comparison of mind mapping and didactic instructional method in learningneuroanatomy for first MBBS students Redirecting EFLwriting instruction through mind mapping technique in senior high school Developing a Formal Model for Mind Maps USE OF MIND MAP IN MASTERING VOCABULARY THROUGH PICTURE AT THE SEVENTH GRADE OF SMP NEGERI 4 LIBURENG Effectiveness of Concept Mapping and Mind Mapping in Science Teaching Exploration of the Application of Mind Mapping Combined with Computer Technology in Computer Teaching Effectiveness of Using Poly Category Mind Map for Vocabulary Development août MIND MAPPING: A WAY TO HONE EFL NINTH GRADERS’ WRITING SKILL AT AN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL Using Mind Mapping in Social Studies at Public Junior High School No.1 South Siberut Mentawai STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BY USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE EFFECTIVENESS OF APPLICATION OF MIND MAPPING LEARNING MODELS ON THE PROBLEM OF THE STORY VIEWED FROM THE MATHEMATIC COMMUNICATION ABILITY OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENT English Learning Model With Application–Based on Mind Mapping Method INFLUENCE OF USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE WRITING SKILL IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (META-ANALYSIS) EFFECT OF USING MIND MAPPING TO IMPROVE THE FOURTH GRADERS’ VOCABULARY septembre Effect of Periodization Based on Mind Mapping Learning Model on Students' Understanding in Social Studies in Primary School Developing Mind Mapping Model With Multimedia Evaluation Based for Research Methodology Module Mind Mapping: A Strategy to Enhance Students’ English Grammatical Structure Web-based mind mapping learning media to increase understanding of economic policy materials Mind Mapping and Information Retrieval Computer-Assisted Mind Mapping Technique for Reading Comprehension in Technical English for ESL Students Mind Mapping and Teaching Strategies of English language in High School under the Guidance of Key Competence Digital Mind-Mapping to Improve Learners’ Grammar Competence octobre Mind maps as classroom exercises AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ READING SKILLS BY USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE Mind Maps to Modify Lack of Attention among Saudi Kindergarten Children Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (ILFS) at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan by Applying Mind Mapping Strategy Enhancement of Mathematical Reasoning Ability of Junior High School Students by Applying Mind Mapping Strategy PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH ON THE USE OF MIND MAPS IN TEACHING LITERATURE Development of mathematics learning module based on mind - mapping on opportunity materials IMPROVING SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO THE SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS AT SMP NEGERI 2 KEDIRI novembre Improving students' ability in writing narrative text through Mind Mapping technique at the first grade of SMAN 15 Bandarlampung Mind Maps Automation System Development of Model Advance Organizer Based Mind Mapping for Student at Senior High School Study of Mind Mapping in Elementary Islamic School: Effect of Motivation and Conceptual Understanding Exploring The Complexity of Student-Created Mind Maps, Based On Science-Related Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Core Ideas Influence of Mind Mapping Strategy and Achievement Motivation on Learning Outcomes of Sacrificial Materials in MIS Raudlatul Uluum Implementation of media Mind Mapping and Power Points as A Media in Increasing Student Learning Motivation Effect of Mind-Mapping Teaching Strategy on Students’ Retention in Senior Secondary School Computer Studies in Imo state, Nigeria Does Mind Mapping Matters in Engaging Students’ Creativity and Learning Achievement? décembre Android Based Mind Mapping Learning Media to Improve Students' Understanding of National Income EFFECT OF USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE ON WRITING PROCEDURE TEXT OF ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA NEGERI 1 TANJUNG PURA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 Effect of Mind Mapping Based Contextual Learning on Student Learning Outcomes Impact of E-Mind Mapping Strategy and Learning Styles on the Achievement of the Tenth- Grade Students in Biology Application of the Mind Mapping Method to Natural Resources in Class IV Elementary Schools Mind Map as a Writing Exercise Method for Deaf Learners Mind Mapping Integration to Develop Learning Activities and Outcomes Programme suggéré basé sur l'utilisation des cartes mentales pour développer quelques compétences grammaticales chez les futurs enseignants de FLE à l'université d'Alexandrie"

1.1.6. 2021 janvier Effects of Software-Aided Mind and Argument Mapping on Learning in Higher Education Exploring Students’ Perception on Feasibility of Applying an Interactive Classroom Mind Mapping Technique to Facilitate Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Management COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE AND MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY AT THE EIGHT GRADE OF SMPN 2 TOLITOLI Analysis of the Effect of Mind Mapping Learning Model on Student Learning Results In Civic Education (PKn) Learning in SMP N 10 Palembang IMPROVING THE ABILITY OF STUDENTS IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BY USING MIND MAPPING Effect of Mind Map Technique on Students' Academic Achievement and Science Attitudes: Meiosis and Mitosis A Pellucid approach for PBL using Advanced Mind Mapping EFFECT OF USING WORD MAPPING STRATEGY TO THE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY AT SMPN 15 IT BINJAI carte mentale : outil d’aide à la prise de notes et la rédaction d’un compte rendu dans le cadre d’un cours magistral USING MIND MAPS IN FORMATION OF IMAGINATION AND CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS IN 5-6 YEAR-OLD CHILDREN EFFORTS TO IMPROVE THE RESULTS OF PHYSICS LEARNING WITH THE MIND MAPPING METHOD février Improving Writing Achievement on Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Wahid Hasyim Malang Using Mind Mapping Increasing Students Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Motivation Using Inquiry Mind Map INFLUENCE OF THE MIND MAPPING MODEL ABILITY TO WRITE EXPOSITIONAL TEXT BY TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA N 1 PAKKAT TEACHING WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BY USING MIND MAPPING TO SLL BIMBEL ENGLISH COURSE LEARNER USING MIND MAP TECHNIQUE FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS OF STMIK ROYAL IN KISARAN MEANINGFUL LEARNING AND USE OF MIND-MAP IN GEOGRAPHY SUBJECT AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL mars Analysis of elaboration skills through creative mind mapping on the subject of environmental change Mind Mapping as a Pragmatic Solution for Evaluation: A Critical Reflection through Two Case Studies EFFECTS OF ELECTRONIC MIND MAPPING ON STUDENTS' READING ABILITIES Use of Mind Mapping Learning Models to Improve Understanding of Kinematics Concepts Reading, Mind Mapping, Sharing (RMS) on The Material of Human Reproductive System: Its Effectivity to Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) CARTOGRAPHIE MENTALE DANS LES LANGUES ÉTRANGÈRES SUR OBJECTIFS SPÉCIFIQUES : ÉTUDE DE CAS SUR LE FRANÇAIS DES AFFAIRES MIND MAP TO SHOW THE PLACE OF THE GENERATIONS OF THE BABURIANS IN THE WORLD CIVILIZATION. IMPROVING THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ READING SKILLS BY USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE INFLUENCE OF MIND MAPPING METHOD AND LEARNING MOTIVATION TOWARDS THE EIGHT GRADE STUDENTS` WRITING ABILITY ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS AT ISLAMIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TWO OF PALEMBANG USING MIND MAPPING TO TEACH READING COMPREHENSION IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MIND MAPS AND READING COMPREHENSION Mobile-Assisted Mind Mapping (MAMMAT) as a Tool to Support University Students’ Argumentative Writing EFFECT OF APPLYING COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL WITH MIND MAP AS A HOMEWORK ON NATURAL SCIENCE COMPETENCE: LITERATURE STUDY avril IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT USING MIND MAPPING Effect of Mental Maps ' Using on the Development of Artistic Aspects for the Students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Wasit Influence Of Mind Mapping Model And Motivationon The Learning Outcomes Effect of Mind Mapping Instructional Strategy on Students’ Retention in Physics in Senior Secondary Schools COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE FORMATION AMONG STUDENTS OF NON-LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITIES WITH THE HELP OF MIND MAPS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS mai Development of Analytical Thinking Ability on Mathematics by using Learning and Enjoying Model with Mind Mapping for Pre-Service Teacher in Mathematics Program Using Mind Mapping Learning Methods for Children’s Language Skills Implementation Of Fun Learning Through Mind Mapping Method In History Of Physics Course In Physics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo EFFECT MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE AND VOCABULARY MASTERY ON STUDENT’S WRITING SKILL juin Creative Map Instruction: An Experimental Effect on Biology Students’ Mental Ability Development of mind mapping-based comics to improve math learning outcomes application of mind map to English reading teaching in Chinese junior high school Qualitative Analysis of the Use of Mind Mapping in Physician Assistant Students MIND MAPPING AS A STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING ESSAY WRITING SKILLS USING MIND MAP IN TEACHING THE SUBJECT OF AGGREGATE STATES OF MATTER Application of Mind Mapping Technique to Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Seventh Grade of SMP Use of Mind Mapping Technique To Improve The students’ Writing Skill on Analytical Exposition Text In Senior High School Development of Mind Mapping-Based E-Book in Steam for Skills Skills of Grade VI Elementary School Students apport de la carte mentale au développement de la compétence de la compréhension dans l’exposé oral EFFECT OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTIN WRITING ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Collaborative Mind-mapping Using Cloud-based for Lifelong Learning Integration of Mind Mapping and Carousel Feedback as the Effective Brainstorming to Improve EFL Students' Writing Skill juillet IMPROVING DESCRIPTIVE WRITING SKILL TROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE OF GRADE SEVEN STUDENTS AT MTS TAHFIZH AL MADINAH MALANG implementation of mind mapping technique to improve students reading comprehension in descriptive text at grade VIII SMP N 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Improving Writing Skills Based on Developing Learning Models of Non-Examples Examples, Think Talk Write and Mind Mapping (Exwrimap) Effects of Mind Mapping Studies on the Creativity Skills of 60 to 72-month-old Children Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Method on Creativity and Learning Outcome of Natural Science Subject in the Grade 5 Muhammadiyah Karangturi Elementary School in the Academic Year of 2018/2019 Mind mapping as a tool of teaching English vocabulary at transport university août IMPACT OF MIND MAPPING LEARNING STRATEGY ON STUDENTS’ THINKING DEVELOPMENT AT UPPER PRIMARY LEVEL IMPROVING CHARACTER BASED READING BY APPLYING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE OF THE TENTH YEAR STUDENS Brain Hemisphericity and Saudi Students’ EFL Reading Comprehension mindmapping for marketing strategy: Case study of fashion industry IMPACT OF MIND MAPPING STRATEGY TO TEACH MATHEMATICS Clinical significance of using the mental map in interventions on schoolchildren with learning disorders Implementation of Teaching Aids in Mind Mapping Program to Improve Tarikh Islam Learning Outcomes of First Year Student Developing Learning Design Employing PBL with Mind Mapping to Train Critical and Creative Thinking Ability for Junior High School Students Comparative Effects of Mind and Concept Mappings on Students’ Academic Achievement and Retention of the Concepts of Radioactivity and Electrolysis in Senior Secondary School Science in Delta State, Nigeria Increasing motivation and learning outcomes through quantum teaching with mind-mapping and circuit learning (p2bm) method for natural science subject Digital Mind-Mapping Techniques in English Writing Classes Use of Mind Mapping Technique to Improve the Writing Skills of ESL Learners in Sri Lanka Improvement iin iStudents’ iConceptual iUnderstanding iafter Guided iInquiry iLearning iwith iMind iMapping Mind mapping as a tool of teaching English vocabulary at transport university EFFECTIVENESS OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL WITH MIND MAPPING IN HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS LECTURES Multimodal science communication: from documentary research to infographic via mind mapping septembre USE OF DIGITAL MINDMAP TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' COMPUTATIONAL THINKING IN LEARNING GLOBAL WARMING Information Retrieval, Reshuffle, and Reorganization: A Positive Correlation between Mind Mapping and Knowledge/Language Mastery POUR UNE ÉCRITURE UNIVERSITAIRE À L’ÈRE DU NUMÉRIQUE : DE LA PLANIFICATION À LA TEXTUALISATION À L’AIDE DE CARTES MENTALES Application of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching English at the Eighth Grade Students'. of State Junior High School 19 Tanjung Jabung Timur. English Education study program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training and The State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin MIND MAPPING AS AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO TEACHING ISLAMIC HISTORY DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Effects of Utilizing I-Think Mind Map in Teaching Short Stories Online Student Information Retention When Using Mind Mapping or Not: Is There a Difference? Writing Descriptive Mapping on Students D3 English Programs Use of the mind mapping learning model to improve the ability of students writing fantasy story text Effect of Mind Mapping as a Learning Tool on Online Learning of Chemistry octobre Effect of Flow Mind Map on Writing Accuracy and Learning Motivation at Islamic Higher Education effectiveness of using the mind mapping strategy in improving preparatory school students' Creative writing skills Learning Analytics for Investigating the Mind Map-Guided AI Chatbot Approach in an EFL Flipped Speaking Classroom novembre Empowering Mind Mapping Strategy To Improve Students' Writing Skills In The EFL Classroom Necessity Analysis of Mind Mapping Based Pocket Book with Materials of Diversities in Indonesia Mind Mapping and Science Performance of Grade 5 Pupils effectiveness of Teaching a Study Method Based on Mind Mapping on Students achievement motivation and academic engagement décembre Integration of Mind Mapping Technique in Storytelling to Assist EFL Students in Mastering Speaking Skill USE OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING WRITING AT 10th GRADE OF Improving Writing Skills Based on Developing Learning Models of Non-Examples Examples, Think Talk Write and Mind Mapping Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Using Mind Mapping and a Growth Mindset in the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation Mind Maps sans Fronti`eres Effectiveness of Visual Mind Mapping Strategy for Improving English Language Learners' Critical Thinking Skills and Reading Ability APPLICATION OF MIND MAP IN TEACHING GEOMETRY IN GRADE 4 Influence of Mind Mapping Methods in Non-Classical Learning Models on Students' Critical Thinking Skills Implementation of Mind Mapping as an Effective Learning Method in the Mathematics Class Mind Mapping to Teach Writing in Descriptive Text

1.1.7. 2022 janvier Effect of Mind Mapping on Creative Thinking of Children in Scratch Visual Programming Education LEARNING TO WRITE POETRY USING 3D PAGE FLIP PROFESSIONAL BASED ON MIND MAPPING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILI TY I N RETELLING NARRATIVE STORY Improving Skill of Narrative Writing Thematically with Problem-Based Learning Based on Mind Mapping Effectiveness of mind-mapping as a digital brainstorming technique in enhancing attitudes of Saudi EFL learners to writing skills SURFACE STRATEGY TAXONOMY ANALYSIS IN STUDENTS’ PRESENTATION USING MIND MAPPING février Digital Mind Mapping Learning Model to Increase Student Creativity Mind Maps to Improve Text Summarizing Learning Outcomes for 5th Grade Students Impact of LoiLooNote Digital Mapping on University Students’ Oral Presentation Skills and Critical Thinking Dispositions Does Mind Mapping Technique Affect Creative Thinking Skill and Cognitive Learning Outcomes? The effect of demonstration and mind mapping learning methods on achievement of cultural arts course Effectiveness of Mind mapping as a learning technique among Nursing students mars Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Vocabulary Effect of Mind Map Using on Improving Nurses' Performance Regarding Infection Control at Surgical Departments Mind mapping software to aid academic writing: Pre-service English language teachers using i-Think maps EFFECT OF MIND MAPPING ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS Prospective English Teachers’ Knowledge on Mind Mapping effect of implementing mind maps for online learning and assessment on students during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross sectional study IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MIND MAPPING METHOD TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILLS OF THE 12th GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 4 PEMATANGSIANTAR TECHNOLOGY PROFICIENCY AND SELF-GENERATED COMPUTERIZED MIND MAPPING OF STUDENTS AS MEDIATED BY INFORMATION LITERACY COMPETENCE Application of Mind Mapping in English Foreign Language Teaching: A Case Study of Unit 1 Great Cities in Asia of the English Textbook for Grade Six (Oxford Shanghai Edition) Development of Learning Model of Problem Confirmation with Elaborative And Collaborative Sharing (PCECS) Associated with Mind Mapping Approach avril Implementation and Evaluation of a Collaborative Lyric-Writing Support System Using a Lyric Association Map Mind mapping software to aid academic writing: Pre-service English language teachers using i-Think maps Mind mapping with problem-posing: Can it affect student's problem-solving skills in Schoology-based learning? IMPROVING READING COMPREHENSION FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJORS THROUGH MIND-MAPPING TECHNIQUE IN READING LESSONS Analysis of Using Mind Mapping Methods in Elementary Schools Effects Of Mind Mapping And Outlining On Vietnamese EFL Students' Writing Performance And Attitudes: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study Application of the Mind Map Model to Improve Students' Understanding of Indonesian Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Material Effect of Mind Mapping Learning Media on Learning Achievement in al-Naḥwu al-Waḋiḥ at Madrasah Tsanawiyah effect of a Mobile-Assisted Mind Mapping Technique toward ESL undergraduate students' argumentative writing skills performance strategy of mind mapping towards teaching reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students REINFORCING STUDENTS'SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT WRITING SKILL THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE Development of Mind Mapping as Media for Student Career Planning mai effect of mind mapping on tertiary level ESL Background students Implementation of the Mind Mapping Model in Developing Children's Creativity in Thematic Lessons STUDENTS'REFLECTION ON MIND MAPPING: A STRATEGY FOR TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES ON USING MIND MAPPING IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT juin Profile of Mind Mapping Utilization in Learning During 2018-2022 IMPROVING STUDENT’S READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE AT A JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Mind Mapping – A Critical Gizmo for Corporate Change USE OF DIGITAL MIND MAPPING TO IMPROVE EFL STUDENT’S ABILITY IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH Use of Mind Mapping Technique In Improving Students’ Writing Ability at SMA Al-Khazanah Tidore Kepulauan Improvement to Students' Achievement in Procedural Text Composition through Process Approach-Based Mind Mapping Employment IMPROVING SCIENCE LEARNING OUTCOMES THROUGH PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODELS ASSISTED BY MIND MAPPING MEDIA Effect of Mind-Mapping on the Memorization and Acquisition of Immunology Concepts in the Secondary School juillet EFFECT OF MIND MAPPING TO STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN READING COMPREHENSION AT THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP SWASTA AL-MUKMIN Implementing Online Discussion and Mind Mapping to Investigate a Disease Outbreak Effectivity of Mind Mapping as Preparation Media for Selection of Advanced Studies to Higher Education Research on the Application of Mind Mapping in Promoting English Learning Efficiency of High School Art and Sports Specialty Students Facilitating EFL Students in Maintaining Flow of Talks Using Mind Mapping DEVELOPMENT OF MIND MAPPING BASED POCKETBOOK AS A LEARNING MEDIA FOR ACCOUNTING SERVICES Research on the Application of Mind Mapping in Promoting English Learning Efficiency of High School Art and Sports Specialty Students Impact of Mind Mapping in Modelling Instruction to Improve Students’ Conceptual Understanding An Analysis of Using Mind Mapping Technique to Improve EFL Students’ Writing Ability USE OF MIND MAPPING TO IMPROVE STUDENT’S ABILITY IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS FOR SEVENTH GRADERS Digital Mind Mapping as a Technique in Teaching Writing: The Use and Response Teaching Mind Maps: An empirical study to test impact of teaching thinking tools to enhance coherence in employment documents ADVANTAGES OF MIND MAPPING IN TEACHING READING Teaching Mind Maps: An empirical study to test impact of teaching thinking tools to enhance coherence in employment documents août MIND MAPPING LEARNING MODEL: A STRATEGY TO FOSTERING THE BEGINNER STUDENTS' LITERACY COMPETENCE AT KLATE REGENCY INDONESIA Improving Students’ Reading Skills by Using The Mind Mapping Technique at SMP N 5 Panyabungan in The Academic YearOf 2019/2020 Use of Mind-Mapping in Language Learning: A Cognitive Approach Exploring the Attitude of ESP Learners towards Using Mind Mapping in Learning Vocabulary Urgence Of Developing Civic Education E-Book Based on Mind Mapping for Students and Lecturers Effets de l’utilisation des cartes heuristiques pour l’apprentissage des technologies web sur les résultats et la satisfaction des apprenants Use of Mind-Mapping in Language Learning: A Cognitive Approach Exploring the Attitude of ESP Learners towards Using Mind Mapping in Learning Vocabulary Urgence Of Developing Civic Education E-Book Based on Mind Mapping for Students and Lecturers Application of mind mapping in clinical teaching ward rounds for standardized training of otorhinolaryngology residents Application Of Rms Model (Reading, Mind Mapping and Sharing) To Improve Student's High Level of Thinking Ability to Learning Physics at SMA Negeri 1 Sigli effectiveness of mind mapping strategy for teaching science in the achievement of fifth grade students REAP (READ, ENCODE, ANNOTATE AND PONDER) STRATEGY COMBINED WITH MIND MAPPING TO FACILITATE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Phonetic Symbol Media to Eliminate The Confusion of Pronunciation IMPACT OF WORD MAP ACTIVITIES ON PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT Effects of mind mapping on learning ESP vocabulary: a case study septembre Effectiveness Of Using Mind Mapping To Students’ English Reading Comprehension Achievement Of Analytical Exposition Text At MAS YP. Haji Datuk Abdullah In Academic Year 2021-202 Upgrading the Students’ English Descriptive Essay Writing Competence through Mind Mapping Technique Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills in Terms of Self-efficacy in Creative Problem Solving Learning Models with an Open-ended Approach and Mind Mapping Assisted by Google Classroom Effects of Mind Mapping and Pre-Questioning on Reading Comprehension Effect of Mind Mapping Method on The Result of Science Learning on Theme 7 Sub-Them 1 Students of Grade IV carte mentale et l’enseignement du vocabulaire ENHANCING LEARNING EXPERIENCE WITH AUGMENTED MIND MAPS USE OF MIMIND APP TO SUPPORT THE WRITING PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY STUDENTS octobre motivation de la mémoire de l’enfant par la carte mentale afin de maitriser la langue dans une classe de FLE Students’ Perception of Mind Mapping in Learning Vocabulary carte mentale comme outil pédagogique favorisant la compréhension de l'écrit en classe de FLE Cas des élèves de 3ème année moyenne de l'école Bahi Ali El-Oued carte mentale en tant que support d'apprentissage de la grammaire: le cas des apprenants de 1ère MA, CEM «Betta LABIDI, MAGRANE, El-Oued» Effect of Mind-Mapping Teaching Approach on Students’ Academic Achievement in Physics Concepts of Motion and Kinematics INFLUENCE OF USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY AT THE TENTH GRADE OF MA BANI SAALIM BANDAR LAMPUNG IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 apports de la carte heuristique à l’amélioration de la production écrite cas des apprenants de la 4ème année moyenne L’impact de l’usage de la carte mentale sur la mémorisation de lexique. Cas des apprenants de 2ème années moyenne Cem des frères Djebabri Mziraa novembre Mind Mapping Learning Model and Learning Motivation and its Effect on Aqidah Akhlak Learning Outcomes Use of Free Web-Based Mind Mapping Tools in the Studies of ESP: A Review of Research Closer Look on English Language Education Department Students' Contention of Using Mind Mapping Techniques LanguageEffect of Mind Mapping Technique on Learning Success in Teaching Substantive Verbs in Turkish Language Educatio Effect of using mind mapping and think tall write technique in teaching writing skill Development of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Learning Model with Mind Mapping Method to Improve Students' Understanding of Mathematical Concepts INCREASING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES IN SOCIOLOGY THROUGH MIND MAPPING METHOD Effect of Mind Mapping on Jordanian Tenth-Grade Students' Use of Conjunctions and their Persuasive Writing Performance Effect of Mind Mapping on Jordanian Tenth-Grade Students' Use of Conjunctions and their Persuasive Writing Performance Effect of Using Mindmaple Applications to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Islamic Studies Subjects at SMP Negeri 1 Palembang L’influence des cartes mentales sur l’acquisition du vocabulaire chez les apprenants de 5ème année primaire décembre Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Recount Text (An Experimental Study for the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Bruderan Purwokerto in The Academic carte mentale comme outil compréhension de grammaire : Cas des apprenants de la 5ème année de l’école primaire EFL Teachers’ Perception of Implementation of Mind-Mapping for Enhancing Learning Engagement Development of Poetry Writing Guidebook Using Mind Mapping Model for Primary School Students EFFECT OF MIND MAPPING APPROACHES IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL LEARNING THE QURAN HADITH WITH THE MIND MAP METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Improving Speech Writing Skills Through Mind Mapping Of Class Vi Students Of SDN 004 Kabun Utilization of Mind Mapping Media to Improve Student's Social Intelligence In Integrated Social Studies Learning at Junior High School 1 Lumar Bengkayaang Regency

1.1.8. 2023 janvier Potential of Visual Mind Mapping in Language Learning: A Systematic Review Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of Circle Material Influence of PBL Integrated with Mind Mapping on the Student’s Learning Outcomes Effect of Mind Mapping Media on Group B Storytelling Ability in Ayu Palembang Kindergarten Investigating the User Experience of Mind Map Software: A Comparative Study based on Eye Tracking Using Project-Based Learning Model with Mind Mapping Method to Increase Students' Learning Motivation Mind Mapping: Reading Comprehension Technique of Arabic Texts for Students in Higher Education implementation of Mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension Improving The Eleventh Grade Students' Achievement On Writing Skill Through Mind Mapping Method Mathematics achievement through a visual mapping program Development of Mind Mapping Based Prezi Multimedia to Improve History Learning Outcomes effects of schema strategy training using digital mind mapping on reading comprehension: A case study of Chinese university students in EFL context Mind Mapping From Cognitive erspectives Effect of Mind Mapping and Semantic Mapping on Reading Comprehension of the Eleventh Graders of Senior High School Application Value of Mind Mapping and Self- Drawing in the Residency Standardized Training Examination During the COVID-19 pandemic effect of integrating society, science, environment, technology, and collaborative mind mapping (ISSETCM2) model on mathematical literacy in terms of adversity quotient Mind-Mapping Technique and Writeabout Application Integration in an Online Writing Class: An Indonesian Vocational University Context Orchestrating Technology with Suggestopedia Method and Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Reading Effectiveness Of Using Mind Mapping Technique To Teach Reading Comprehension Effect of Mind Map in Enhancing Student’s Proficiency of Reading Expository Text The Case of Second Year EFL Student at IMPROVING BIOSTATISTICS UNDERSTANDING USING THE MIND MAPPING LEARNING MODEL Mind Mapping Strategy in Improving Students’ Writing Skill in Politeknik Unggul LP3M Medan Effect of Mind Mapping Technique on Students' Writing Skills ]nglish Students' Perceptions Of The Use Of Mind Mapping Technique To Improve Their Speaking Ability Implementation Of Mind Mapping Technique To Improve Students Speaking Skill At The Eight Class Of SMPN 2 Jenggawah In Academic Year 2021/2022 février Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts of Students through Mind Mapping Method Use of Mind Mapping in Social Studies Learning to Improve Creative Thinking Skills Coalescing Mind Maps as a Learning Aid cum Formative Assessment Tool for Effective Teaching and Learning of Computer Architecture and Organization Course Development of Learning Tools Based on Learning Cycle 7E Assisted by Mind Mapping for Problem Solving for Junior High School Students Differential calculus mind map as output concept analysis in preliminary research phase Effectiveness Of Applying Mind Mapping Strategy On The Students' Speaking Ability Of Sma Dharma Bakti Medan Use of Mind Mapping to Improve Chinese Writing Skills of Grade 7 Students in Jiangsu Province, China La carte mentale comme outil d'enseignement-apprentissage de l'orthographe Impact of E-Mind Mapping Technique on Preparatory Schools Pupils’ Learning English Language Grammar” EFL teacher's reflection on employing mind mapping as a writing preparation technique Creative Map Instruction: An Experimental Effect on Biology Students’ Mental Ability Effect Of Mind Mapping On Students' Ability the Using Conjunction in Writing Compound Sentence At Eight Grade Of MTs USMAN SYARIF Efforts to Improve Students' Learning Motivation in National Integration Materials in the Framework of Bhineka Tunggal Ika through Mind Mapping Method mars Development of Flashcard and Interactive Mind Mapping Media in The Website on Plant Tissue Material to Improve Student's Comprehension and Motivation The Implementation of Mind Mapping Model to Improve the Ability to Write Descriptive Paragraphs in the 8th Grade of SMPN 9 Denpasar Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials Effectivnes Of Min Mapping In Teaching Writing Procedure Text At MTsN 2 Ponorogo EFFECTIVENESS OF USING THE MIND MAPPING LEARNING METHOD TO IMPROVE THE ABILITY TO WRITE NARRATIVE ESSAYS IN SUKAHATI PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES BY CREATING MIND MAPS WITH STUDENTS GIFTED IN MATHEMATICS Creative Map Instruction: An Experimental Effect on Biology Students’ Mental Ability REFLECTIONS OF TEACHER CANDIDATES THOUGHTS ON THE CONCEPT OF “DISTANCE EDUCATION” ON THEIR MIND MAPS Implementation of the 7E learning cycle with mind mapping based on blended learning to improve students' concept understanding The Development of a Creative MIMA (Mind-Mapping) English Book for Supplementing Students Learning Material Mind Maps as a tool to enhance Reading Comprehension skills Brainstorming and Mind-mapping: Crucial Basic Skills Duet in Building Critical Thinking for Academic Composition Using Mind Mapping to Develop Students' Writing Skills avril Students' Perceptions on The Use of Mind Mapping Technique in Writing Class DIGITAL MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO INCREASE THE STUDENTS’ INTEREST AND VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT TO THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS AT SMK IT BAITUN NUR PUNGGUR Increasing Students' Creativity and Learning Outcomes on Substance Pressure Materials with The Mind Mapping Learning Method USE OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING WRITING TO EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS USING GOOGLE MEET PLATFORM VIEWED FROM THEIR CREATIVITY WRITING PARAGRAPH THROUGH THE LEARNING MODEL MIND MAPPING IN CLASS V ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Speaking Skill by Using Slang Words in a Movie through Mind-Mapping Strategy Comparison of Mind Mapping Method and Mind Writing Method on Outcomes and Motivation to Learn in Writing Narrative Essay of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students Improving Learning Outcome Through Mind Mapping Learning Model in International Trade Law at STHB mai Effect of Mind Mapping on the Tenth Graders’ System Thinking on Trophic Structure Topic Application of the Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve Understanding of Mathematics Concepts in Building Space Materials Effect of Using Mind Mapping Technique on Non-English Major Students’ Grammar Achievement at Dong Nai Technology University Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique to Improve Student’s Reading Comprehension Students’ enjoyment and anxiety in reminiscing about mind-mapping use in the English writing class EFFECTIVENESS OF USING MIRO DIGITAL MIND MAPPING FOR STUDENTS'VOCABULARY MASTERY AT HIDAYATULLAH ISLAMIC HIGH SCHOOL Impact of mind-mapping technique on EFL learners’ vocabulary recall and retention, learning motivation, and willingness to communicate Impact of mind-mapping technique on EFL learners' vocabulary recall and retention, learning motivation, and willingness to communicate juin Application of Mind Mapping in General Zoology Teaching A DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION ABILITY BY THE SQ3R TECHNIQUE AND MIND MAPPING FOR GRADE 5 STUDENTS OF ANUBAN THAPKHLO SCHOOL, PHICHIT PROVINCE Science Literacy Ability of High School Students in the Integration of Steam Learning with Mind Mapping Techniques on Virus Materials EFFECTS OF MIND MAPPING IN ESL WRITING FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL APPLICATION OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUES IN CIVICS LEARNING TO INCREASE CREATIVITY OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Effect of Mind Mapping Media on Student Learning Outcomes Juillet Use of Mind Mapping Technique on Students’ Speaking Achievement at SMAN 11 Kendari APORTRAIT OF MIND-MAPPING TECHNIQUE AND STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN WRITING ACTIVITY Application of Mind Mapping to English Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High Schools Students Creativity Through Digital Mind Map août A partir de maintenant, je ne reprendrai que les articles généreaux sur le mind mapping (plus ceux spécifiques à une classe, à une compétence d'apprentissage, à une matière...) Mais bien les meta-analyses

1.2. CARTE

1.2.1. de A à E

1.2.2. de F à Z

2. Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts of Students through Mind Mapping Method

3. Facilitating EFL Students in Maintaining Flow of Talks Using Mind Mapping

4. Exploring / exploration

4.1. Exploration of the Application of Mind Mapping Combined with Computer Technology in Computer Teaching

4.2. Exploring The Complexity of Student-Created Mind Maps, Based On Science-Related Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Core Ideas

4.3. Exploring Students’ Perception on Feasibility of Applying an Interactive Classroom Mind Mapping Technique to Facilitate Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Management

4.4. Exploring the Attitude of ESP Learners towards Using Mind Mapping in Learning Vocabulary

4.5. the Attitude of ESP Learners towards Using Mind Mapping in Learning Vocabulary

4.6. Exploring

4.6.1. Exploring Mind Mapping Techniques to Analyse Complex Case Study Data

4.6.2. the Potential of User Modeling based on Mind Maps

4.6.3. the Potential of User Modeling based on Mind Maps

5. Exploitation de la carte heuristique comme outil pédagogique pour l'amélioration de la production écrite en classe du FLE Cas des élèves de la 5ème année …

6. Expérience de construction de cartes conceptuelles dans un contexte de téléapprentissage universitaire

7. experimentation of MM-based number head together and MM-based think pair share in the topic og quadratic function

8. Experimental study on the effectiveness of mind mapping

9. Experience of online collaborative mindmapping

10. Évaluation de l'apport pédagogique de la carte heuristique pour des élèves du primaire en difficulté d'apprentissage

11. Effets du modelage et du facilitateur procédural sur le recours à l'organisateur graphique et sur la performance d'élèves en difficulté lors de l'apprentissage par la lecture

12. English Learning Model With Application–Based on Mind Mapping Method

13. Empowering Mind Mapping Strategy To Improve Students' Writing Skills In The EFL Classroom

13.1. EFL

13.1.1. Teachers’ Perception of Implementation of Mind-Mapping for Enhancing Learning Engagement

13.1.2. teacher's reflection on employing mind mapping as a writing preparation technique

14. Effectiveness of

14.1. mind mapping software to the students' pronunciation achievementat the tenth grade

14.2. mind mapping technique in teaching learningwriting on recount text

14.3. mind mapping towards students' writing skill

14.4. using digital mind mapping toward the students' achievement in writing descriptive text to the first grade

14.5. using mind mapping technique on the fifth grader's vocabulary mastery

14.6. teaching through mind mapping technique.

14.7. using mind mapping technique toward comprehension of descriptive text

14.8. using mind mapping technique on students' writing skill in descriptive text

14.9. mind mapping technique reading comprehension of narrative text

14.10. using mind mapping in teaching writing descriptive text of the 7 grade

14.11. Career Information Service with Mind Mapping Technique to Improve Students Occupational Knowledge

14.12. of Guided Inquiry with Mind Mapping to Improve Science Process Skills and Learning Motivation

14.13. of mind mapping vs. lecture method on knowledge regarding mood disorder among nursing students in selection...

14.14. mind mapping on visual-learning-styled students in writting argume,tative essay

14.15. using mindmapping technique towards the students'reading achievement in narrative texte at man

14.16. using Mind Mapping Strategy and Making Inference toward Students' Vocabulary Achievement

14.17. of the E-mind Mapping Strategy for Sixth-Grade Students’ Achievement Level in Learning Arabic Vocabulary in Kuwait

14.18. Using Mind Mapping Method to Improve Child Development Assesment

14.19. mind mapping and brainstorming techniques to taech writing ta visual and read write learning style

14.20. the Application of Mind Maps in Learning Illustration in Elementary Schools

14.21. Etechnique to teach students'speaking ability at the tenth grade stidents

14.22. Mind Mapping Model and Think Pair Share Aided by Audio Visual Media to Improve Fantasy Story Writing Skill

14.23. mind mapping technique in improving activity and learning outcomes of students

14.24. MM to improve student's ability in identifying supporting details of narrative text

14.25. mind mapping alphabox combination in teaching writing recountext

14.26. Mind Mapping Techniques in Counseling of Enhancement Ability Memory Students in Learning

14.27. Mind-Map Method to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement Motivation and Interest on Subject Islamic Civilization at Class 4B of Institute Teacher Training Collage at Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School of Campus 2

14.28. Mind Mapping Strategy in Teaching of English Vocabulary at Secondary Level

14.29. of digital mind mapping over paper-based mind mapping on students’ academic achievement in Environmental Science

14.30. Concept Mapping and Mind Mapping in Science Teaching (pdf)

14.31. Using Poly Category Mind Map for Vocabulary Development

14.32. application of MM learning models on the problem of the story viewed from the mathematic communication ability of vocational school student

14.33. digital mind mapping over paper-based mind mapping on students’ academic achievement in Environmental Science

14.34. mind mapping technique and vocabulary mastery on students writing skill

14.35. MM Method on Creativity and Learning Outcome of Natural Science Subject in the Grade 5 Muhammadiyah Karangturi Elementary School in the Academic Year of 2018/2019

14.36. problem based learning model with mind mapping in health law and ethic lectures

14.37. using the mind mapping strategy in improving preparatory school students' Creative writing skills

14.38. effectiveness of Teaching a Study Method Based on Mind Mapping on Students achievement motivation and academic engagement

14.39. of Visual Mind Mapping Strategy for Improving English Language Learners' Critical Thinking Skills and Reading Ability

14.40. of mind-mapping as a digital brainstorming technique in enhancing attitudes of Saudi EFL learners to writing skills

14.41. Effectiveness of Mind mapping as a learning technique among Nursing students

14.42. effectiveness of mind mapping strategy for teaching science in the achievement of fifth grade students

14.43. Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Phonetic Symbol Media to Eliminate The Confusionof Pronunciation

14.44. Using Mind Mapping To Students’ English Reading Comprehension Achievement Of Analytical Exposition Text At MAS YP. Haji Datuk Abdullah In Academic Year 2021-202

14.45. Using Mind Mapping Technique To Teach Reading Comprehension

14.46. Of Applying Mind Mapping Strategy On The Students' Speaking Ability Of Sma Dharma Bakti Medan

14.47. Mind Mapping In Teaching Writing Procedure Text At MTsN 2 Ponorogo

14.48. of using the MM learning method to improve the ability to write narrative essays in public elementary school students

14.49. of using Miro mind mapping for students' vocabulary mastery

15. Effectivity of Mind Mapping as Preparation Media for Selection of Advanced Studies to Higher Education

16. Empirical Study of the Application of Mind Mapping in College English Reading-Writing Teaching

17. Enhancing

17.1. frexhman student's writting skills with a mind mapping

17.2. college language teacher's skill through mind mapping strategy

17.3. writing skill of tourism and management business students through mind mapping

17.4. Enhancement

17.4.1. of Mathematical Reasoning Ability of Junior High School Students by Applying Mind Mapping Strategy

17.5. learning experience with augmented MM

18. Effect(s) of

18.1. college student's self-generated computerized mind mapping on their reading achievement

18.2. collaborative concept mapping strategy on achievement in economics of 6 grades

18.3. conceptual maps strategy in teachingfoundations curriculum on the achievement of students of afif education college

18.4. concept mapping on ELF student's reading comprehension

18.5. mind mapping on EFL student's ideadevelopment in argumentative writing acrass genderdifferences and learning styles

18.6. mind mapping on vocabulary learning and retention.

18.7. mind mapping strategy on comprehending implicitinformation in EFL reading texts

18.8. mind mapping activities on student's motivation

18.9. mind mapping on listening comprehension and vocabulary in early childhood education

18.10. mind mapping techniques on the vocabulary mastery of second grade students of elementary school

18.11. Mind Mapping on Teaching and Learning:A Meta-Analysis

18.12. mind mapping Method And Learning Motivation on Writing Short Story Learning Skills In Indonesian Subject

18.13. technology-supported mind and concept mapping on students' construction of science concepts . the effect of mind mapping in science education

18.14. using mind mappingtechnique on the students' grammar achievement

18.15. using mind mapping in teaching recount text to the student's writing ability at eight grade

18.16. using mind mapping on the writting comprehension ability of the tenth grade students

18.17. using electronic Mind Mapping on Achievement and Attitudes in an introduction to educational Psychology Course

18.18. on Teaching and Learning :A Meta-Analysis

18.19. mind mapping technique on the second year students' ability in writting descriptive paragraphs

18.20. mind mapping on reading comprehension of the first year students of Sman Plus Riau

18.21. Constructive Imaginative Mind Maps, Vee Maps, and Concept Maps on Students' Attitude and Ability to Write Short Stories

18.22. of concept mapping and MM utilization on students' understanding

18.23. mapping technique on students' achievement in writing narrative text

18.24. of MM technique on the ability of the first year students of SMPN 8 PEKANBARU in writing descriptive texts

18.25. using MM strategy on the students skill in writting narrative text

18.26. Mind Mapping Technique on Student Intrinsic Motivation at Higher Education Level

18.27. Mind Mapping Technique on Poetry Writing Skills Elementary School Students

18.28. Graphic Organizers Strategy on Reading Comprehension ofStudents with Difference Learning Styles.

18.29. Mind Mapping on EFL Students’ Idea Development in Argumentative Writing across Gender Differences and Learning Styles

18.30. Mind Mapping Method on the Ability of Writing Narrative Writings for Class VII Students

18.31. Learning with The Mindmapping Method Using Imindmaptowards Student’s Analytical Ability

18.32. electronic MM on students' raeding abilities

18.33. Using Electronic Mind Map as a Medium of Instruction on Fourth Graders' Arabic Reading Comprehension at Jordan

18.34. Using Mind Mapping in Comprehending Narrative Reading Text

18.35. creating a mind map on how propsective science teachers learn about the lives of scientists the case of Albert Einstein

18.36. grammar wheeland mind mappingon the students'writting of narrative text

18.37. RMS models (reading, mind mapping and sharing) based on e-learning to the learning outcomes of students in the teaching andlearning subject

18.38. Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Mind Mapping on Science Process Skills Student

18.38.1. Sheet Powerpoint in Mind Map and Entry Behavior Towards Students' Cognitive Competence in Learning Natural Science in Grade VIII

18.39. Mind Mapping vs Traditional Handout on the Understanding of a Topic Among Medical Students – A Randomized Controlled Trial

18.40. Mind Mapping of writing achievement in descriptive text of grade X students

18.41. Mind Mapping and Learning Style on Concepts Mastery and Students’ Representation Skills

18.42. Mind Mapping on critical thinking skills of undergraduate nursing students

18.43. Mind-Mapping Teaching Strategy on Students’ Retention in Senior Secondary School Computer Studies in Imo state, Nigeria

18.44. problem solving learning model based mind map to the student's learning outcomes in 11th grade

18.45. Mind Mapping Teaching Technique on Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at Grade X of SMKTeladan Tanah Jawa

18.46. Using Digital vs. Traditional Mind Mapping Strategy on Iranian Young Students’ PerceptionElham Karamifard,Mohammad Minaeifar

18.47. using MM to improve the fourth graders' vocabulary

18.48. Periodization Based on Mind Mapping Learning Model on Students' Understanding in Social Studies in Primary School

18.49. the Use of Mind-Map-Based Quantum Learning Models and Reading Interest on Argumentation Writing Skills for High School Students

18.50. Based Contextual Learning on Student Learning Outcomes

18.51. using MM technique on writing procédure text of eleven grde students

18.52. Software-Aided Mind and Argument Mapping on Learning in Higher Education

18.53. Mind Map Technique on Students' Academic Achievement and Science Attitudes: Meiosis and Mitosis

18.54. using MM strategy to the student's vocabulary mastery

18.55. applying cooperative learning model with MM as a homework on natural science competence : literature study

18.56. Mental Maps ' Using on the Development of Artistic Aspects for the Students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Wasit

18.57. Mind Mapping Instructional Strategy on Students’ Retention in Physics in Senior Secondary Schools

18.58. MM technique on students' achievement in writing analitycal exposition text

18.59. MM Studies on the Creativity Skills of 60 to 72-month-old Children

18.60. of Utilizing I-Think Mind Map in Teaching Short Stories

18.61. Mind Mapping as a Learning Tool on Online Learning of Chemistry

18.62. Flow Mind Map on Writing Accuracy and Learning Motivation at Islamic Higher Education

18.63. Mind Mapping on Creative Thinking of Children in Scratch Visual Programming Education

18.64. effect of demonstration and mind mapping learning methods on achievement of cultural arts course

18.64.1. document may be open ;-)

18.65. MM Using on Improving Nurses' Performance Regarding Infection Control at Surgical Departments

18.66. MM on academic achiervement of vacotional school students

18.67. implementing mind maps for online learning and assessment on students during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross sectional study

18.68. MM And Outlining On Vietnamese EFL Students' Writing Performance And Attitudes: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study

18.69. Mind Mapping Learning Media on Learning Achievement in al-Naḥwu al-Waḋiḥ at Madrasah Tsanawiyah

18.70. a Mobile-Assisted Mind Mapping Technique toward ESL undergraduate students' argumentative writing skills performance

18.71. mind mapping on tertiary level ESL Background students

18.72. Mind-Mapping on the Memorization and Acquisition of Immunology Concepts in the Secondary School

18.73. of MM to students' ability in reading comprehension at the eight grade students' of SMP Swasta Al-Mukmin

18.74. de l’utilisation des cartes heuristiques pour l’apprentissage des technologies web sur les résultats et la satisfaction des apprenants

18.75. mind mapping on learning ESP vocabulary: a case study

18.76. Mind Mapping and Pre-Questioning on Reading Comprehension

18.77. Mind Mapping Method on The Result of Science Learning on Theme 7 Sub-Them 1 Students of Grade IV

18.78. Mind-Mapping Teaching Approach on Students’ Academic Achievement in Physics Concepts of Motion and Kinematics

18.79. of using mind mapping and think tall write technique in teaching writing skill

18.80. Mind Mapping on Jordanian Tenth-Grade Students' Use of Conjunctions and their Persuasive Writing Performance

18.81. Mind Mapping on Jordanian Tenth-Grade Students' Use of Conjunctions and their Persuasive Writing Performance

18.82. Using Mindmaple Applications to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Islamic Studies Subjects at SMP Negeri 1 Palembang

18.83. mind mapping approaches in improving students' outcomes eat elementary level

18.84. Mind Mapping Media on Group B Storytelling Ability in Ayu Palembang Kindergarten

18.85. Using Electronic Mind Maps as a Teaching Strategy on Academic vitality, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement among Nursing Students

18.86. schema strategy training using digital mind mapping on reading comprehension: A case study of Chinese university students in EFL context

18.87. Mind Mapping and Semantic Mapping on Reading Comprehension of the Eleventh Graders of Senior High School

18.88. effect of integrating society, science, environment, technology, and collaborative mind mapping (ISSETCM2) model on mathematical literacy in terms of adversity quotient

18.89. Mind Map in Enhancing Student’s Proficiency of Reading Expository Text The Case of Second Year EFL Student at

18.90. of Mind Mapping Technique on Students' Writing Skills

18.91. Using Electronic Mind Maps as a Teaching Strategy on Academic vitality, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement among Nursing Students

18.92. Mind Mapping On Students' Ability the Using Conjunction in Writing Compound Sentence At Eight Grade Of MTs USMAN SYARIF

18.93. Mind Mapping on the Tenth Graders’ System Thinking on Trophic Structure Topic

18.94. Using Mind Mapping Technique on Non-English Major Students’ Grammar Achievement at Dong Nai Technology University

18.95. mind mapping in ESL writing for primary school

18.96. of Mind Mapping Media on Student Learning Outcomes

19. Does MM

19.1. Effectivity of Mind Mapping as Preparation Media for Selection of Advanced Studies to Higher Education

19.2. enhance learning ?

19.3. Technique Improve Cohesion and Coherence in Composition Writing? An Experimental Study

19.4. Technique Affect Creative Thinking Skill and Cognitive Learning Outcomes?

20. Efforts

20.1. to Improve Students' Learning Motivation in National Integration Materials in the Framework of Bhineka Tunggal Ika through Mind Mapping Method

20.2. to improve the results oh physics learning with the mind mapping

21. digital MM

21.1. in teaching materials science at the university level

21.2. to Improve Learners’ Grammar Competence

21.3. Digital Mind-Mapping Techniques in English Writing Classes

21.4. Digital Mind Mapping Learning Model to Increase Student Creativity

21.5. as a Technique in Teaching Writing : The Use and Response

21.6. technique to increase the students' interest and vocabulary achievement to the tenth grade students at SMK

22. Effectivity of Mind Mapping as Preparation Media for Selection of Advanced Studies to Higher Education

23. Develop/ping/ment

23.1. critical thinking throught mind mapping

23.2. a Prophetic Values-Based Mind Mapping Learning Model in Writing Expositions

23.3. of Humanistic Statistics Learning Devices Based one Inquiry and Mind Mapping Models

23.4. of short story learning with a model mind mapping in students of class XI...

23.5. Development Of Student Worksheets Based On M-APOS Approach With Mind Mapping To Improve Mathematical Communication Ability Of Grade VII Students Of …

23.6. student's writing skill through Jigsaw, mind mapping and roudtable techniques

23.7. Development of bilingual worksheet based on mind mapping in chemical equilibrium topic

23.8. of Mind Mapping Pocket Book in Quadrangular Materials to Improve Self Regulated Learning of Grade VII Junior High School Students

23.9. Development of Pocket Book Learning Media Based on Mind Mapping, DynamicMaterial Application of Indonesian Democracy in Senior High School

23.10. Developing a Formal Model for Mind Maps

23.11. Developing Mind Mapping Model With Multimedia Evaluation Based for Research Methodology Module

23.12. Development of mathematics learning module based on mind mapping on opportunity materials

23.13. Development of Model Advance Organizer Based Mind Mapping for Student at Senior High School

23.14. Development of Analytical Thinking Ability on Mathematics by using Learning and Enjoying Model with Mind Mapping for Pre-Service Teacher in Mathematics Program

23.15. Development of mind mapping-based comics to improve math learning outcomes

23.16. Development of Mind Mapping-Based E-Book in Steam for Skills Skills of Grade VI Elementary School Students

23.17. Developing Learning Design Employing PBL with Mind Mapping to Train Critical and Creative Thinking Ability for Junior High School Students

23.18. Development of Learning Model of Problem Confirmation with Elaborative And Collaborative Sharing (PCECS) Associated with Mind Mapping Approach

23.19. Development of Mind Mapping as Media for Student Career Planning

23.20. Developpement of MM based pocketbook as a learning media for accounting services

23.21. Development of Economic Based Teaching Material Model of Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Class X Senior High School 2 Aikmel

23.22. Development of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Learning Model with Mind Mapping Method to Improve Students' Understanding of Mathematical Concepts

23.23. Development of Poetry Writing Guidebook Using Mind Mapping Model for Primary School Students

23.24. Development of Mind Mapping Based Prezi Multimedia to Improve History Learning Outcomes

23.25. Development of mind mapping Tools Based on Learning Cycle 7E Assisted by Mind Mapping for Problem Solving for Junior High School Students

23.26. Development of Flashcard and Interactive Mind Mapping Media in The Website on Plant Tissue Material to Improve Student's Comprehension and Motivation

23.27. Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials

23.28. Development of a Creative MIMA (Mind-Mapping) English Book for Supplementing Students Learning Material

23.29. of english reading comprehension ability

24. Electronic Mind Mapping: Promote Students' Engagement in Speaking-Based Activities

25. Egalité d'accès aux savoirs en école élémentaire : la carte heuristique comme outil d'apprenti-sage

26. Een interventiestudie naar Mind Mapping en tekstverwerking in de derde graad lager onderwijs (groep 7 en 8)

27. Advantage of MM in teaching reading

28. Découvrir ses savoirs d'action et enrichir sa pratique grâce aux cartes mentales

29. Comparison / Comparative

29.1. Comparative Effect of Mastery Learning and Mind Mapping Approaches in Improving Secondary School Students’ learning Outcomes in Physics

29.2. Comparison of Mind Mapping and Semantic Mapping to Enhance the Reading Comprehension

29.3. Comparison of mind mapping and didactic instructional method in learningneuroanatomy for first MBBS students

29.4. Comparative study between clustering technique and mind mapping technique to improve student's writing ability

29.5. Comparative Effects of Mind and Concept Mappings on Students’ Academic Achievement and Retention of the Concepts of Radioactivity and Electrolysis in Senior Secondary School Science in Delta State, Nigeria

29.6. of Mind Mapping Method and Mind Writing Method on Outcomes and Motivation to Learn in Writing Narrative Essay of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students

30. Construction of Mobile Wisdom in English Teaching Based on Mind Mapping

31. A Brief Review on Developing Creative Thinking in Young Children by Mind Mapping

32. A Module on News Text Writing Development with Mind Mapping Techniques for VIII Grade Junior High School/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students

33. Achievement in Physics Using Mastery Learning and Mind Mapping Approaches: Implication on Gender and Attitude

34. A study to assess the effectiveness of mind mapping technique vs lecture method regarding psychological test on knowledge among nursing students at St. James College of Nursing, Chalakudy

35. Algebraic structures by creating MM with students gifted in mathematique

36. A portrait of MM technique and student participation in writind activity

37. Application

37.1. of mind mapping in college english vocabulary teaching

37.2. of mind mapping to the autonomus learning of higher vocational students

37.3. of mind mapping learning process in an effort to improve understanding of math courses

37.4. of mind mapping in education

37.5. possibilities of mind maps in social skills training of children with behavioural problems

37.6. of mind mapping teaching model to enhanse natural science learning achievement

37.7. of Learning Model Mind Mapping and Think Pair Share to Improving Activity and Student Learning Results

37.8. of Mind Mapping Method in Learning of Mathematics

37.9. of Jigsaw and Mind Mapping to Increase Student’s Learning Result

37.10. of mind mapping learning methodsto imrove activities and results of student learning in 2013 intergrated thematiccurriculum learning

37.11. of the Mind Map in English Grammar Teaching

37.12. of mind mapping learning model in recount writting

37.13. of Mind Mapping in Emergency Nursing Teaching for Nursing Students in High Vocational Colleges

37.14. of mind mapping method to interest students in reading comprehension

37.15. of Mind Mapping Learning Models to Improve Students’ Reading Skill in 4th Grade of Primary School

37.16. of E-Mind Map Learning Model Based on Criminology in Improving the Quality of Learning

37.17. of the Mind Map in Learning English Vocabulary

37.18. of the Mind Mapping Method to Natural Resources in Class IV Elementary Schools

37.19. of mind map to English reading teaching in Chinese junior high school

37.20. of Mind Mapping Technique to Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Seventh Grade of SMP

37.21. of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching English at the Eighth Grade Students'. of State Junior High School 19 Tanjung Jabung Timur. English Education study program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training and The State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin

37.22. MM in teaching geometry in grade 4

37.23. of Mind Mapping in English Foreign Language Teaching: A Case Study of Unit 1 Great Cities in Asia of the English Textbook for Grade Six (Oxford Shanghai Edition)

37.24. of mind mapping in clinical teaching ward rounds for standardized training of otorhinolaryngology residents

37.25. Of Rms Model (Reading, Mind Mapping and Sharing) To Improve Student's High Level of Thinking Ability to Learning Physics at SMA Negeri 1 Sigli

37.26. Value of Mind Mapping and Self- Drawing in the Residency Standardized Training Examination During the COVID-19 pandemic

37.27. of the Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve Understanding of Mathematics Concepts in Building Space Materials

37.28. of Mind Mapping in General Zoology Teaching

37.29. of MM techniques in civics learning to increase creativity of elementary schools students

37.30. Application of Mind Mapping to English Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High Schools

38. Apports

38.1. de la carte mentale au développement de la compétence de la compréhension dans l’exposé oral

38.2. pédagogique de l'utilisation de la carte heuristique en classe

38.3. de la carte heuristique à l’amélioration de la production écrite cas des apprenants de la 4ème année moyenne

39. Analysis of

39.1. students' response of the implementation of RMS (Reading, mind mapping, and Sharing) learning model in philosophy of science

39.2. logical thinking using mind mapping

39.3. MathematicsLearninginJuniorHigh SchoolLinearFunctionMaterialwithMind Mapping BasedOnGender

39.4. Problem Based Learning Model with Mind Mapping to Increase 21st Century Skills

39.5. of studens' reading skill by using MM technique

39.6. elaboration skills through creative mind mapping on the subject of environmental change

39.7. Using Mind Mapping Methods in Elementary Schools

39.8. Using Mind Mapping Technique to Improve EFL Students’ Writing Ability

39.9. Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills in Terms of Self-efficacy in Creative Problem Solving Learning Models with an Open-ended Approach and Mind Mapping Assisted by Google Classroom

40. Assessing the use of concept maps for learning gains in the science classroom

41. Améliorer la genèse instrumentale des cartes d'organisation d'idées en veillant à favoriser un environnement motivant pour les élèves

42. Blended Humor and Mind Mapping in Improving 21st Century Skills

43. Brain Hemisphericity and Saudi Students’ EFL Reading Comprehension

44. Brainstorming

44.1. approach and mind mapping in writing activity

44.2. and Mind-mapping: Crucial Basic Skills Duet in Building Critical Thinking for Academic Composition

45. Coggle: SWOT Analysis in Lifelong Learning Education Using Online Collaborative Mind-Mapping

46. Combining Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Mind Mapping to Improve Students’ Activity and Learning Achievement

47. Computer-Assisted Mind Mapping Technique for Reading Comprehension in Technical English for ESL Students

48. Collaborative Mind Mapping

48.1. to support online discussion in teacher education teacher education

48.2. Using Cloud-based for Lifelong Learning

49. communicative competence formtion among students of non-linguistic universities with help of MM in foreign language lessons

50. effet de l’enseignement/apprentissage du lexique à travers l’utilisation des cartes heuristique sur la production écrite

51. English Students' Perceptions Of The Use Of Mind Mapping Technique To Improve Their Speaking Ability

52. Cartes

52.1. de connaissances pour un apprentissage en profondeur

52.2. conceptuelles

52.2.1. divers docs

52.2.2. et leur application dans les cours de littérature française

52.2.3. Les cartes conceptuelles numériques : des outils pour évaluer et comprendre

52.2.4. structurées : un outil métacognitif pour faciliter l'acquisition, la structuration et le transfert de connaissances - Étude de cas en biologie

52.3. heuristique

52.3.1. Comment un outil devient un instrument d'enseignement ?

52.3.2. au service d'une pédagogie active

52.3.3. et orthophonie: élaboration d'un outil d'enrichissement lexical

52.3.4. et la compréhension de l’écrit en situation de classe du F.L.E. Cas de 5ème Année Primaire

52.3.5. comme outil pédagogique dans la compréhension écrite du conte en FLE Cas des élèves de la 5ème année primaire, école de MANSOUR ABD …

52.4. A meta-analysis study of mind mappingtechniques and traditionel learning methods

52.5. mentales

52.5.1. : un changement de paradigme dans les apprentissages

52.5.2. et rétention d'information  : étude dans le contexte des MOOC

52.5.3. et e-portefolio : outils support à la créativité dans la construction du projet de l'étudiant

52.5.4. , un outil de connaissance des processus scripturaux à l'oeuvre dans le cadre de l'écriture du commentaire littéraire

52.5.5. pour favoriser l’apprentissage du business model et scuciter la créativité

52.5.6. Construire un outil d’aide `a la production ́ecrite au cycle

52.5.7. Le carnet de bord et la carte mentale en collège

52.5.8. et cartes conceptuelles en Education

52.5.9. : entre “ efficacité limite miraculeuse ” et “ inutilité ”

52.5.10. pour une pratique pédagogique plus réflexive

52.5.11. au service des apprentissages au cycle 3

52.5.12. pour favoriser l’apprentissage du Business Model etsusciter la créativité des apprenants

52.5.13. : outil d’aide à la prise de notes et la rédaction d’un compte rendu dans le cadre d’un cours magistral

52.5.14. et l’enseignement du vocabulaire

52.5.15. comme outil pédagogique favorisant la compréhension de l'écrit en classe de FLE Cas des élèves de 3ème année moyenne de l'école Bahi Ali El-Oued

52.5.16. en tant que support d'apprentissage de la grammaire: le cas des apprenants de 1ère MA, CEM «Betta LABIDI, MAGRANE, El-Oued»

52.5.17. comme outil compréhension de grammaire : Cas des apprenants de la 5ème année de l’école primaire

52.5.18. comme outil d'enseignement-apprentissage de l'orthographe

52.6. cartographie

52.6.1. mentale dans les langues étrangères sur objectifs spécifiques

52.6.2. conceptuelle au service de la didactique de l'information

53. Clinical significance of using the mental map in interventions on schoolchildren with learning disorders

54. Differential calculus mind map as output concept analysis in preliminary research phase

55. Creative

55.1. Creative Thinking Ability of V Grade Students through Mind Mapping Learning Model

55.2. Map Instruction: An Experimental Effect on Biology Students’ Mental Ability

56. Closer Look on English Language Education Department Students' Contention of Using Mind Mapping Techniques

57. Coalescing Mind Maps as a Learning Aid cum Formative Assessment Tool for Effective Teaching and Learning of Computer Architecture and Organization Course

58. Cooperative Learning Mode of Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) with Mind Mapping Technique to Increase 4th Grade Students Learning Result