Project Idea Worksheet

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Project Idea Worksheet par Mind Map: Project  Idea Worksheet

1. Found object project

1.1. collected objects from neighborhood

1.2. framed and hung in gallery

1.3. or made into a large collage

1.4. Directed at a specific topic (the littering of their own neighborhood for example)

2. Story Wall

2.1. Contributed writings from those in targeted neighborhood

2.2. Outside; large wall of run down/abandoned building OR gallery wall

2.3. written in authors handwriting directly on wall with colored permanent markers

3. Would lend to opportunity to work with:

3.1. low income neighborhoods

3.2. individuals who are struggling either financially or emotionally or both

3.3. people who want a voice about what is going on in their community, whether it be positive or negative

3.4. people who need help getting started on a positive path

3.5. neighborhoods that have been neglected

3.6. Individuals who would benefit from a stress relieving/fun environment (single mothers ect)

4. "...I can work with my experience"

4.1. Technical skill set

4.1.1. Relevant personal experience:

4.1.2. low income/urban upbringing/background

4.1.3. had to learn to overcome struggles such as:broken home, very low income, moving within the same city often from one apartment to the next

4.2. Photography

4.3. photoshop

4.4. painting/color knowledge

4.5. administrative

4.6. organizational

4.7. planning

4.8. computer savvy

5. Project Brainstorm

5.1. Based loosley on: Investigating where we live

5.2. photo collage on Gallery wall

5.3. Targeted at specific low income neighborhood

5.4. contributions of photos from those living in neighborhood

5.5. group work to put up and decorate collage

5.6. The purpose will be to give the people living in this neighborhood a face and a voice, something to be proud of, to bring attention to those in need and to educate others on the different people living within a larger city such as Tucson

6. To find out:

6.1. What any person can accomplish, no matter who they are, in an artistic way when given the tools and the confidence

6.2. What can be accomplished when a group comes together to put energy into something positive & learn how to take out frustration and stress in a healthy & beneficial way

7. To Create:

7.1. Crafts made from everyday objects/items most people would have at home

7.2. Found object art

7.3. Projects that non-artists and children can take part in

7.4. Examples: Mobile, Collage, Scrapbook, Community garden

8. To serve:

8.1. A targeted area (as described in Populations/Communities)

8.2. For the purpose of creating something inspiring, or beautiful to be seen by the general public/museum visitors

8.3. To give a meaningful project for individuals or areas that would otherwise go unnoticed

9. Populations/Communities

9.1. youth-ages 12-18

9.2. Adults

9.3. neighborhoods within a larger city IE:Barrio Centro in Tucson

9.4. urban environments: big cities, lower income areas of that city

10. "I work with what i believe in"

10.1. 1.Education:

10.2. Art Education

10.3. Opening minds to new ideas

10.4. 2. Beautifucation

10.4.1. Turning run down places into beautiful ones

10.4.2. Cleaning/landscaping

10.4.3. adding color or an artwork

10.4.4. turning something boring into a work of art

10.4.5. low income neighborhood projects

10.4.6. Mural on a run down building

10.5. 3.Awareness through art

10.6. problems within a city/neighborhood

10.7. a recent or ongoing injustice

10.8. showing others how to make positive changes through simple art projects and working together

10.9. making changes through action/something that is visible/tangable

10.10. awareness of the different cultures/different types of people in one place

10.10.1. 4.Locality

10.10.2. working with small areas at a time

10.10.3. picking one neighborhood/park to work with at a time

10.10.4. narrow focus

10.11. 5. Stress free & fun environment

10.12. working with simple crafts or art projects that any age group/skill can do

10.13. all inclusive within the specific community the project takes place

10.14. flexibility to new ideas

10.15. while working with important issues & creating awareness, keep any debating healthy and understanding

11. "...what is the object doing to the space it's placed in..."

11.1. To Educate:

11.2. Ages 6 and up to adults

11.3. Either in an outside neighborhood setting, or in a Museum

11.4. About easy, fun, simple ways to participate in an art project and/or beautification of their locale