Solutions for sleep problems caused by environmental stimulants and activities

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Solutions for sleep problems caused by environmental stimulants and activities par Mind Map: Solutions for sleep problems caused by environmental stimulants and activities

1. Another idea is to eat serotonin rich foods a few hours before sleeping. If serotonin rich foods are eaten instead like kiwi, it helps a lot to keep a check on the cardiac rhythms.

2. Problem : This refers to a dual problem of sleep deprivation and oversleeping. There are various environmental stimulants such as noise and activities engaging the senses and mind to such a degree that it prevents sleep. These activities can range from spending time online past one's bedtime, watching T.V. late at night, and so on. Sleep deprivation consequentially leads to the possibility of oversleeping or feeling the urge to sleep or fall into a day-dreaming state in the midst of waking activities.

3. Prioritize Ideas

3.1. High Priority

3.2. Medium Priority

3.3. Low Priority

4. Action Points

4.1. Action Point 1

4.2. Action Point 2

5. Plan

5.1. Goals

5.1.1. To complete Challenge Assumption 2

5.2. Rules

5.2.1. All the team members should input their solutions ideas to complete the assignment

5.3. Define Problems

5.4. Capture Ideas

5.5. Prioritize Ideas

5.6. Define Action Points

6. Solution for Over Stimulation

6.1. So, the user wanting to sleep can initially explore any thought in their head. If the thought leads to deepen sleep then they are given reinforcing feedback. If not, then they are given a different feedback to let them know they should change what they are thinking about.

6.2. Don’t read, eat, watch TV, surf the internet, or talk on the phone while in bed. (Q) [Similar solution under Solutions:Sleeping Environment “Reserve the bed for sleep and sex. Don't use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room. (MM)” ]

6.3. Prepare self (Randie: “Reading the Bible and Praying/Meditation helps a lot”) and sleeping environment to set up the mind for sleep (dimming the lights). (RO)

6.4. Phase out any stimulating material (internet, books that require a lot of thinking) (RO)

6.5. Read something relaxing or pleasant just before going to sleep. (Y) (P)

6.6. Listen to lectures, study, or prepare for a test. (Y) (P) (Saad: “Lectures by some of my professors works as a perfect lullaby. Studying some of my subjects usually makes me drowsy.” Yamini: “Preparing for a test, as soon as I open my books, I can get a sound sleep.” Marielle: “This is brilliant especially since it's said that sleeping after you study helps it stay longer in your memory.”)

6.7. Watch television until you feel drowsy. (P) (Y)

6.8. Stay away from work related matters when you are home or at least after dinner. (MM)

6.9. Sit in an isolated bubble (MH)

6.10. Wrap head with a fluffy head scarf so you can't hear (no noise problems) or see (can't have information overload if you can't read/see) (MH)

6.11. Smart Offices/Smart Homes/Smart Rooms that mimic the Body's Natural Circadian Rhythm

7. Healthy Environment

7.1. Find a comfortable temperature setting for sleeping and keep the room well ventilated. If your bedroom is too cold or too hot, it can keep you awake. A cool (not cold) bedroom is often the most conducive to sleep. (MM)

7.2. Block out all distracting noise, and eliminate as much light as possible.(MM)

7.3. Get into your favorite sleeping position. (MM)

7.4. Use comfortable bedding. Uncomfortable bedding can prevent good sleep. Evaluate whether or not this is a source of your problem, and make appropriate changes.(MM)

7.5. Make your room as dark as possible. Many of the newer LED lights on electronic devices are super bright. Cover them with black electrical tape. Get light-blocking curtains or shades. (Q)

7.6. OH!!! don't forget to use mosquito net if you are staying in a country side. or sleeping somewhere outside. (Y)

7.7. And if its a meeting or class time, wash your face with something which have menthol in it. This will prevent sleep attacks during work time. (Y)

7.8. Reserve the bed for sleep and sex. Don't use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room. (MM)

7.9. Set your room temperature slightly cooler than normal. Colder temperatures promote sleep. (Q)

8. Solutions

8.1. Food

8.1.1. Avoid heavy, spicy, or sugary foods 4-6 hours before bedtime (MM)

8.1.2. Try not to eat anything within 3-4 hours of going to bed. Since most modern humans are susceptible to intermittent breathing obstruction while sleeping, eating

8.1.3. just before bedtime can aggravate this process, causing you to keep waking up. (Q)

8.1.4. Try a light snack before bed. Warm milk and foods high in the amino acid tryptophan, such as bananas, may help you to sleep. (MM)

8.1.5. Eat chocolate before sleeping (Y)

8.2. Smart Devices, EEG

8.2.1. 1.We can create a jewel, a finger ring or a pendant. This pendant or ring have a device in it, which produces stimulation. If a person cant sleep in night, he can press a small switch attached to it, this will create some soothing stimulus and will help the body to relax, and in a while he'll sleep. These stimulants can be something related to temperature or music or likewise.

8.2.2. 2. And perhaps with experimentation certain ""thought patterns"" can be established as helping with attaining sleep and the user can be asked to start trying those first."

8.2.3. 3. Use EEG based devices to identify sleep depriving thought patterns and they can be discriminated from that of wakefulness, then it is perhaps possible to create a device for the sleep challenged. It gives feedback to a user to let the user know if their brain wave is one that is leading to deepening of sleep or of the opposite - of waking. So, the user wanting to sleep can initially explore any thought in their head. If the thought leads to deepen sleep then they are given reinforcing feedback. If not, then they are given a different feedback to let them know they should change what they are thinking about.

8.2.4. 4. A device based on EEG that will record the sleep pattern behavior of the user or even smartphone or a digital watch that can suggest/advice the user what to do, trigger the optimum ambiance for sleep environment based on previous study of users ideal sleep patterns. The smart device will capture data of the sleep pattern and based on that can train and change the behavioral pattern of the user so he may develop a natural sleep pattern.

8.2.5. 5. Smart Offices/Smart Homes/Smart Rooms that mimic the Body's Natural Circadian Rhythm - Adjusting the lightning, temperature and even setting the tone for sleeping by playing relaxing music, meditation mantra, or biblical passage that inspires the mind to let go of worry and concerns. Aromatherapy infusions can be added as well for that extra relaxing stimulation.

8.2.6. 6. Therapeutic Bed that massages or triggers (electronic acupuncture) sleep stimulants in the body.

8.2.7. 7. Combining Sleep-mask and Ear Plugs that has aromatherapy infusions.

8.3. Drink

8.3.1. A glass of warm milk (Y)

8.3.2. Chamomile tea (P)

8.3.3. Avoid coffee or tea late in the day, (Y)

8.3.4. Avoid eating or drinking anything that’s stimulating close to bedtime. This includes anything caffeinated (coffee, tea, sodas), chocolates, or ginseng. Certain cold medications that contain decongestants can keep you awake. (Q)

8.3.5. Avoid alcohol close to bedtime. Alcohol is a muscle relaxant. It can aggravate obstruction and arousals, worsening your quality of sleep even more. (Q)

8.3.6. Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime. (MM)

8.3.7. To have a dream water, Gama-

8.4. For Noise

8.4.1. sleep in basement

8.4.2. sleep in closet

8.4.3. sleep in attic

8.4.4. tire the body during the day

8.4.5. wear a headset

8.4.6. sleep inside a sleeping bag

8.4.7. make a recording of a lecture on a boring subject. Watch it.

8.4.8. read a boring book.

8.4.9. imagine images in one’s head of sheep jumping over the moon. Count them.

8.4.10. Sing a mellow song in one’s head. Sing it over and over. Oh mandy.

8.4.11. try to hypnotize self to sleep. Else, ask someone to hypnotize you.

8.4.12. meditate

8.4.13. contemplate the meaning of life.

8.4.14. Imagine yourself flying out of your body. Astral projection.

8.4.15. sleep in a tub with warm water.

8.4.16. fix the source of the noise

8.4.17. Think of what ails or pains you. Command and will the body to execute repairs.

8.4.18. Lie in bed. Think of how restful it is while zoning out the noise.

8.4.19. Memorize Hamlet’s soliloquy. Recite it in one’s head 1000 times.

8.4.20. Stretch. Lie in bed and stretch the body in slow gentle movements starting from head to toe.

8.4.21. Sense. Not the noise but what you can feel and hear other than the noise. Think about what the body is trying to tell you. Put mind energy into senses.

8.4.22. Take sleep aids.

8.4.23. Play relaxing music.

8.4.24. Think about the vastness of the universe. Think about your place in it.

8.4.25. try acupuncture. See if that helps with sleep.

8.4.26. get a massage

8.4.27. wear earplugs

8.4.28. play background sound to cancel out what’s bothering you. Like sounds of animals or sounds of the beach.

8.4.29. Think about 100 more solutions while lying in bed.

8.5. Exercise

8.5.1. Exercise regularly (MM)

8.5.2. Exercise regularly outdoors in the sunlight. Your eyes need natural bright sunlight to stimulate the sleep cycle. (Q)

8.5.3. Exercise an hour before going to work to keep active during the day (S)

8.5.4. Cycle around 25 km after coming from work to tire the body before bed (S)

8.5.5. Don't take your worries to bed. (MM) (Y)

8.5.6. Take a warm bath before going to sleep. (Y)

8.5.7. If your nose is stuffy for any reason, take measures to start breathing through your nose again. If you have a simple cold, or even allergies, nasal saline can act as a mild decongestant. (Q)

8.5.8. Practice relaxation techniques before bed. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing and others may help relieve anxiety and reduce muscle tension. (MM) (Q)

8.5.9. Focus on deep breathing (RO) (Q)

8.5.10. Don't smoke (Y)

8.5.11. If you snore, or feel tired and unrefreshed no matter how long you sleep, see your doctor and get it taken care of.

8.5.12. The most important part of the body is brain, so one should take a proper care of it. Therefore, restrict yourself from getting into any fight, especially with your spouse or loved ones. (Y)