Hour 2 Gastropod

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Hour 2 Gastropod par Mind Map: Hour 2 Gastropod

1. Gastropods have eyes, but don't see the same way that we do. They can sense the light and dark of their surroundings, sense the quality of the surface their on and feel the textures, touching it, and monitoring chemicals.

2. Circulation

2.1. Gastropods have only a few main veins. They have a heart that has two chambers. Most of their blood is free flowing. Certain animals have heart bags where their heart is kept.

3. Feeding/Digestion/Excretion

3.1. Excretion: Primary organ of excretion is Nephridium

3.2. Feeding: involves browsing and grazing of algae from rock.

3.3. Parts of the Digestive System: Buccal Mass, Oesophagus, Stomach, Digestive Gland, Intestine, Rectum, Anus

4. Anatomy

4.1. Rounded body shape; flat on bottom

4.2. Some have shells

4.3. Asymmetrical and Bilateral Symmetry

4.4. 2-4 sensory tentacles

4.5. Function of the foot is to push away gravel as it crawls

5. Movement

5.1. Gastropods such as pond snails and nudibranches produce a slimy road like mucus and travel along with their muscle hair movement. This also allows them to move along water or under the surface.

5.2. Movement by the foot; various wave-like rhythmic movements cause gastropods to creep along due to muscular contraction

6. Senses

7. Reproduction/Life Cycle

7.1. Nudibranchs are hermaphroditic

7.2. Set of reproductive organs for both sexes

7.3. Cannot fertilize themselves

7.4. Store eggs in gelatinous spiral

7.5. Mate by releasing sperm into another's eggs

8. Respiration

8.1. Some have lungs and some use gills

8.2. Most use 1 gill to breathe

8.3. Water flows through gills and mantle cavity

8.4. Gills shaped like a bird feather

8.5. Cerata come out of body instead of gills