Colonial Era: Fearless and Faithful

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Colonial Era: Fearless and Faithful par Mind Map: Colonial Era: Fearless and Faithful

1. Amendments - 13th, 14th, 15th

1.1. Task Completion indicators

1.2. Flags and Icons

2. Andrew Johnson

3. Freed Slaves- Freedman's Bureau & Jim Crow Laws

4. The Native Americans and the Colonists

4.1. Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to read and reference documents in answering a question. Students will form an opinion on the relationship between the Native Americans and the Colonists.

4.1.1. Acceptable Evidence: Students will formulate a written response to the central historical question "Did Pocahontes save John Smith?" Teacher: Will show a video clip of Poc Student Activity: Students will have a warm-up in which they predict the issues that the post civil war union will face. Student Activity: Students will work in partners to answer questions about rebuilding a city - both fundamental and specific

5. The First Colonists

5.1. Objective: Students will understand the adversity colonists were facing when coming to the New World.

5.1.1. Acceptable Evidence: Students will complete a""Packing Advisory" worksheet. Teacher: Teacher will show a presentation and lecture on the conditions of the New World and some of the issues settlers encountered. Student Activity: Students will begin the day with a warm up which asked them to create a list of things they would pack if they were to settle in a new and different planet Students: Students will be advised to revise/edit their list during the lecture. They will be given time to share with their partners what revisions or editions were made to their packing list. The class with be wrapped up with a quick write "Do you think the settlers were prepared?"

6. Present Day South - Race Relations

6.1. Provide better client interaction