Theories of Learning

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Theories of Learning par Mind Map: Theories of Learning

1. Connectivism

1.1. Digital Age Learning

1.2. Technology as learning and reference tool

1.3. Learning is interacting with diverse opinions

1.4. About knowing where to FIND information

1.5. Technology skills to aid in learning

2. Behaviourism

2.1. Stimulus-response

2.1.1. Practice Makes Perfect!

2.2. Operant conditioning

2.2.1. Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement Giving good to increase good Negative Punishment Delaying good to decrease bad Positive Punishment Giving bad to decrease bad Negative Reinforcement Delaying bad to increase good

2.2.2. Consequences

2.3. In-class relevance

2.3.1. Classroom management

2.3.2. Rewards

2.3.3. Behaviour analysis

3. Philosophies of Learning

3.1. TPACK

3.1.1. Three Types of Knowledge necessary for teachers Technology Pedagogical Content

3.1.2. All three types should be perfectly balanced and intersect in as an ideal venn diagram

3.2. Teachnology

3.2.1. Philosophy of teaching with technology

3.2.2. Develops by asking questions about how technology is viewed as either an assest or restricter in the classroom

4. Constructivism

4.1. New learning is built on previous knowledge

4.2. Learning is active

4.3. In the classroom

4.3.1. emphasizes project based learning

4.3.2. Students, teachers, and experts build learning together.

5. Cognitive Load

5.1. Explains

5.1.1. Limits of Working Memory

5.1.2. The schemas (memory structures) that assist the move from working memory to long-term memory.

5.1.3. Memory Tricks

5.1.4. How to help students remember what they need to (and not what they don't).

5.2. Three types of Cognitive load

5.2.1. Extraneous working memory focuses away from schemas

5.2.2. Intrinsic full working memory

5.2.3. Germane schema construction

5.3. "If nothing has been altered ... nothing has been learnt"