Comms review

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Comms review par Mind Map: Comms review

1. Clear/Good homepages

1.1. Liverpool website makeove

1.2. Durham

1.3. Newcastle - clean and tidy

1.4. Edinburgh

1.5. Dartmouth - like a sketch

1.6. Utah

1.7. Exeter - clear

1.8. Oxford - very informative

1.9. Imperial - clear, tabs

1.10. Canterbury NZ

1.11. Nottingham

1.12. Middlebury College

1.13. Boston Univ 3D

1.14. NYU

1.15. Local

1.15.1. UoM textbook rescue

1.15.2. SEAES

1.15.3. Comp SC

1.15.4. MAG

2. What could work for us?

2.1. New themes

2.1.1. Behaviour change

2.1.2. Water

2.2. What UoM is doing

2.2.1. Quick facts

2.2.2. Calendar of events

2.2.3. Initiatives and results / Commitments Recognition? - the awards

2.2.4. News / newsletter?/ S tip of the month

2.2.5. What we're doing VS What you can do

2.3. Find out more/ Drill deeper

2.3.1. Who's involved? /Leadership Our small and extended team Any students? SSF Colin Julian Energy team

2.3.2. Write to us: any query or feedback Have a particular idea? Contact info

2.3.3. Join the listserv

2.3.4. Interactive map of campus S features (link to UNC)

2.3.5. Download the logo to use in your comms

2.3.6. Follow us online Twitter Youtube Instagram/Pinterest? Blogs Facebook

2.3.7. FAQs General Resources Documents and reports Examples Bristol Glossary Any particular topic?

2.3.8. Twitter feed

2.4. Our website agreed tabs

2.4.1. Teaching and Learning

2.4.2. Our campus (operations)

2.4.3. Get involved

2.4.4. Student life

2.4.5. Research

2.5. Events

2.5.1. ES Week - and info how they can help

2.6. Get involved / Take action

2.6.1. Staff Contribute to blogs Invite a speaker/organise an event Sing up to the mailing list

2.6.2. Alumni? Separate group?

2.6.3. Recognition Various awards for students and staff

2.6.4. Take the survey

2.6.5. List of any campus groups (staff and students)

2.6.6. Share your stories

2.7. Suggestion box

2.8. The case studies + link to Pinterest

2.9. Environmental Walking Tour map?

3. Events/activties

3.1. Harvard monthly campaigns

3.1.1. Harvard S Pledge

3.1.2. Campaign calendar

3.2. Yale

3.2.1. Self-guided S Tour

3.2.2. Monthly S Challenge

3.3. Examples of student projects

3.3.1. Princeton Student Project

3.4. Carnegie Melon Food Day

3.5. John Hopkins

3.5.1. Green event planning guide

3.6. Cornell Orientation

3.7. MIT Orientation

3.8. Waste watchers

3.9. Linkoping

3.9.1. Permanent exhibition on sustainability measures and energy efficiency on campus

3.10. ANU Green Steps

3.10.1. Green Steps @ Uni is an award-winning hands-on program that bridges the gap between knowledge acquired at university and skills required to create positive environmental change.

4. Publications and outreach

4.1. MIT

4.1.1. Greening MIT brochure

4.2. Harvard

4.2.1. Top 10 actions

4.2.2. Impact report

4.3. Leeds

4.3.1. "It all adds up campaign"

4.4. Bristol

4.4.1. Guide to local living

4.5. Warwick

4.5.1. Good practice in the office

4.6. UCLA

4.6.1. Student green guide

4.7. Michigan

4.7.1. Student sustainability guide

4.8. Edinburgh

4.8.1. Shutdown summary report

4.8.2. Monthly engagement report

4.9. Washington

4.9.1. S Dashboard

4.10. Stanford

4.10.1. Guide to S living

4.11. Yale

4.11.1. Waste

4.11.2. Energy

4.11.3. Paper

4.12. Florida

4.12.1. Adopt a SWAMP

5. Blogs

5.1. Blogs

5.1.1. Imperial - Bee mass observation

5.1.2. Princeton Garden Project:

5.1.3. Carolina Campus Community Garden

5.1.4. Exeter Community Garden

5.1.5. Durham - Biodiversity Survey

5.1.6. S@LSE

5.1.7. Edinburgh - Our Ed

5.1.8. UC Davis - S 2nd Century - v good logo

5.1.9. Duke Campus Farm

5.1.10. Cornell - Small Farms Program

6. Posters and graphics

6.1. MIT

6.1.1. Sash

6.2. Leeds

6.2.1. "It all adds up" Heating

6.3. Harvard

6.3.1. Pledge

6.3.2. Power

6.3.3. Earth Day

6.4. Yale

6.4.1. Yale Green Certification

6.4.2. Numbers/visuals

6.4.3. Transport options

6.4.4. ES Study Abroad

6.4.5. Ironies

6.5. Carnegie Melon

6.5.1. Unplug your charge

6.5.2. Save energy

6.6. Bristol

6.6.1. Waste

6.6.2. Glass

6.6.3. Paper

6.6.4. Landfill

6.6.5. Food

6.6.6. Cans

6.6.7. Plastic

6.7. Duke Mascot

6.8. UC Merced

6.9. QUB

6.10. Canterbury NZ

6.11. Oxford + money spent on bills

7. Extras and wish list

7.1. Cool to have?

7.1.1. UoM S Timeline

7.1.2. Interactive website comments

7.1.3. FAQs/How do I?... obtain discounted travel? set up a video conf meeting? univ policy and targets Find out about my building's energy performance?

7.1.4. Key messages to different groups

7.1.5. Share your vision with us /idea/film

7.1.6. Alumni page? - keep us posted!

7.1.7. Fact sheets/Guides/ materials to disseminate (1 pager)

7.2. Use new media to engage people



7.2.3. Flowboard

7.3. What will we be able to embed on our future pages?

7.4. Students could capture ES actions on video

7.5. Common for others:

7.5.1. How you can help: 10 easy steps etc

7.5.2. Environment Week

7.6. Sharing best practice

7.6.1. Queen's Belfast

7.7. Colin's Linkedin group - Mcr Univ ES

7.8. Leicester

7.8.1. Footprint calculator

7.8.2. Interactive guide to S

8. Overview

8.1. What I've been looking at:

8.1.1. Ease of access, browsing + clarity

8.1.2. Design + tabs

8.1.3. Topics in general

8.1.4. How to get involved

8.1.5. Posters + graphics

8.1.6. Outreach activities

8.1.7. Anything innovative, creative

8.2. Not much diversity at UK level

8.3. What universities?

8.3.1. AASHE

8.3.2. Russell Group

8.3.3. Ivy League

8.3.4. Our competitors: Harvard, MIT, Wellesley

8.3.5. Green League

8.3.6. UoM' student exchange partners - strong universities

8.4. The usual homepage tabs:

8.4.1. X is green

8.4.2. What you can do

8.4.3. Research

8.4.4. Events/calendar

8.4.5. About us Goals and commitment Recognition Governance Reports Green map Facts and figures Contact

8.4.6. How we're doing / What we do

8.4.7. News

8.4.8. Social media

9. Ipad

9.1. ANU Green Key

9.2. Open University

9.2.1. Innovation Design: Energy and Sustainability

9.3. Harvard

9.3.1. Ecological Urbanism

9.4. Environment by Cambridge

9.5. S by Univ of S Florida

9.5.1. The podcasts reflect the thoughts and actions of people who are working to achieve a balance between the consumption of natural resources and the price to be paid for using them.

10. Videos

10.1. ANU

10.2. Dartmouth

10.3. Dartmouth 2

10.4. UCLA basketball team S message