Reading and note-making strategies

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Reading and note-making strategies par Mind Map: Reading and note-making strategies

1. Color coding

1.1. Chaque cours à deux couleurs, couleur bloc et couleur spécfique au cours

2. Reading

2.1. Absorb textbooks like a sponge

2.1.1. Flip through each page

2.1.2. Go to the end of each chapter, read quizzes To know what to look for

2.1.3. Read the bold print of the chapter

2.1.4. Read the first and last sentence in each paragraph

3. Concretisation, voir la notion page dédiée

4. Dual coding

4.1. Add images

5. Ask Chat GPT to make mnemonics for difficult content

5.1. acronyms, rhymes, or visual imagery

6. The 4 layers : The logic (structure), concepts, important details, arbitrary details

7. PACER : Procedural, analogus, Conceptual, Evidence, References

7.1. Procedural : Consume and Practise

7.2. Conceptual

7.2.1. Consume

7.2.2. Digest : Mind mapping

7.3. Analogus Integrate in mind map (could be procedural or conceptual)

7.3.1. Digest : Critique (is there a better analogy ? / how does it apply to the concept ? )

7.3.2. Consume : Integrate in mind map

7.4. Evidence : store and rehearse

7.4.1. Store first, rehearse later

7.4.2. Rehearsal How to use this info ? How to apply it ? What thype of conceptual information is this an example of ?

8. **Utiliser @ pour appeler d’autres pages + Faire des analogies avec mon vécu = application of NoMa framework**

8.1. Notice key concepts

8.2. Add connective thinking

8.2.1. "That reminds me of X because...". Think about how this concept links to something you've already learned or observed.

8.3. Add Related subject

8.3.1. "It's similar to X because..." to find analogies or parallels. This will help you see patterns across different subjects

8.4. Activate critical thinking

8.4.1. "It's different to X because..." to explore distinctions and deepen your understanding.

8.5. Critique all theses analogies (is there a better analogy ? / how does it apply to the concept ? )

9. Emotion and storytelling

9.1. Associate facts with personnal experiences or emotionnal triggers

9.1.1. Create analogies

9.2. Turn information into a story or a timeline

10. Toggle for active recall

10.1. Elaborative interrogation

10.1.1. **Systematically **think in terms of because **Pourquoi ?**