Define the Problem: Your friends ask you to hang out with them after school and go to a party whe...

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Define the Problem: Your friends ask you to hang out with them after school and go to a party when you already planned to do homework. par Mind Map: Define the Problem: Your friends ask you to hang out with them after school and go to a party when you already planned to do homework.

1. Explore the Alternatives -I could go and not do my homework. -I could tell them I have to do my homework instead -I could just ditch them to do homework -I could stay up late to do my homework and go with my friends and risk getting in trouble -I could tell them that I'm not allowed to go.

1.1. Consider the Consequences -My friends might not like me anymore if I don't go with them, and if I go with them and don't do my homework, I would get in trouble. -if I stay up late doing homework, I won't do as well, and I'll be tired the next day. - My parents might get mad at me. -I could have fun if I go

1.1.1. Identify Your Values I value homework and sleep and so I should go home, do homework and go to bed at the right time. I value my parent's opinions, so I shouldn't go with my friends. I value my friendships Decide and Act What I would do in this situation, would be to tell my friends that I wish I could have gone with them, but I already had plans. I would also tell them this in person so that they don't think that I'm just ignoring them. Now I would get a good sleep and I would get my homework done, and I wouldn't get into trouble. My friends might be mad at me for not going, but If I told them why, they could forgive me. Evaluate the Results This decision could have turned out well, and I could have made my friends mad at me, but this isn't a decision that I made that could totally ruin our friendship, so they could forgive me, because I told them why I couldn't go, and that it wasn't anything against them. I wouldn't get in trouble with my parents/ teachers, because I did my homework and got good sleep. I learned that I could say no to things that go against what I value, and that I don't always have to put my friends first.