Race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America par Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. British were the first to experiment with the exporting of Chinese

2. The junta sent out an agent to China to study the importing Chinese coolies.

3. Forced recontracting began early in Cuba with the Reglamento of 1860

3.1. it obligated cooles who had completed their first eight years to recontact

3.2. recontracting further confirmed

4. Juan de la Rivas concluded that the coolie system was slavery

5. The Chilean invasion in 1880 created chaos along the coast in Peru

6. In Cuba, coolies had completed their contract and became naturalized as foreign residents.

7. "The enganche system in Peru gave way entirely to a free, or wage labor system, involving many Chinese until these died or moved out of agriculture into commerce and other urban occupations."

8. After the coolie trade, Chinese continued to go to Cuba and Peru, but large numbers migrated to Mexico

8.1. young Chinese immigrants began arriving on the West Coast of Mexico

9. By the end of Porfiriato in 1910, Chines population in Sonora was recorded in 1919 when they supplied the count of 6,078.

10. Koreans came to Mexico in the early 1990's hoping to gain a foothold in an embattled urban core

11. Residents view Koreans as just another attempt to redo Tepito

12. Tepitos are known as Mexico's supreme micro-capitalist with an instinct for survival

13. Tepito is now one of the only places in Mexico City where cocaine is sold.

13.1. The immigration law of November 1849 granted exclusive license for four years to planters

14. Gaspar Yanga

14.1. An African slave who led a rebellion against the Spanish colonial masters in the 16th century and fought off attempts to retake the settlement

15. Mexico's independence from Spain focus on building a national identity of mixed race.

16. Many of the countries black Mexicans are aware that their ancestors arrived in chains

17. National institutes of statistics geography was petitioned to include the Afro-Mexican population as a category in the next census

17.1. Official statistics don't recognize blacks as a separate ethnic group

17.2. as a result Afro-Mexicans say they have been left out of institutional programs

18. "The dreams of racism actually have their origin in ideologies of class, rather than in those of nation."

19. In all cases, equality and racial and cultural fusion are official and popular representations.

20. In other countries other voices have contested there images claiming discrimination against blacks and indigenous people.

21. Colombia has the largest black population in Latin America

22. The second organization had a wider influence because of its structure.

23. The context from which these movements emerged involved both national and transnational elements

24. Organizations look to other experiences and notions of blackness to inform their own positions

25. The progress of commission was uneven and involved conformation

25.1. By November 1992, black organizations delegates signed a document refusing to assist further meetings.

26. Zapatistas organize themselves to gain access to land, water, education, and healthcare.

27. Brazil imported more African American slaves than the US

28. May 13, 1988 was the 100th anniversary of the elimination of slavery in Brazil.

28.1. This celebration wasn't universal

28.1.1. "Many Afro-Brazilian groups staged actions and marches, issued denunciations and organized cultural events repudiating the 'farce of abolition."

29. The UNESCO set up new terms for debate, constituting a new racial "revisionism."

29.1. It was full of sights into Brazilian racial dynamics and also had significant limitations.

30. Florestan Fernandes views Brazils racial dilemmas as an effect of survivals from when slavery took place

31. During the beginning of the 1970's, a post-revisionist or structural approach to race in Brazil began to emerge

31.1. This view saw race as a central feature of Brazilian society

32. Brazilian racial discourse largely served to mask inequality

33. "The articulation and reticulation of racial meanings is thus a multidimensional process, in which competing projects intersect and clash."

34. The structuralist perspective

34.1. They would have expected elite rule, managed well smoothly.

35. Racial formation perspective

35.1. developments make sense

36. Brazilian blacks were involved in quest for democracy.

37. Today the significance of race and the complexities of racial identity are contested more than before in Brazil.

38. Black identity has stressed more in the work of afoxes

39. Asians established small communities in Mexico at the beginning of the 17th century

40. By the end of the 16th Century, the Spanish figured out how to accomplish what Columbus failed to achieve and that was finding the way to the Orient by sailing Westward.

41. Spanish established the Manila trade in exchange of Mexican silver for oriental luxury goods.

42. After the Manila trade, the first Asian colony in the Americas appeared

43. In the middle of the 19th Century, the importation of Chinese coolies for work on sugar plantaions

44. A number of small and transient movements appeared the centers for investigation of black culture

45. a bill agreed uponm both cblack delegates and the government was ratified by the president as a law 70 on August 27, 1993

45.1. The law distinguishes black communities as ethnic groups

46. In Morelia, three elders were assassinated

47. The official representation of blackness in Colombia emerged through complex sets of relationships

48. On January 1, 1994, The Zapatistas National Alberation Army, declared war on the Mexican Government

48.1. Death to indigenous people

49. Zapatistas created the Good Government councils as a new step in their practice to autonomy