Black History

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Black History par Mind Map: Black History

1. Slavery

1.1. How did it start?

1.1.1. The student can describe the start of slavery. Activities Read information about Slavery

1.1.2. The student can explain the origin of slavery.

1.2. The student can make a timeline to put the most important events of slavery in the correct order.

1.2.1. The student can describe the important events of the start of slavery.

1.3. How were black people treated?

1.3.1. The students can describe a part of Solomon Northup life as a slave. The student can explain the suffering of the black people during slavery. The student can give reasons why the black people suffered during slavery.

1.4. Underground Rail road + other ways to escape

1.4.1. The student can describe the ways of escaping slavery.

1.4.2. The student can give an opinion about the ways of escaping slavery. The students have a group discussion about the ways of escaping slavery on the online forum.

1.4.3. The students can explain the role of Henrietta Tubman during the Underground Railroad. The students give their opinion about the thing Henrietta Tubman did with the Underground Railroad.

1.5. Song Nina Simone 'Four Women'

1.5.1. The student can understand the songtext. The student can give an opinion of the songtext.

1.5.2. The student can explain the song in context to slavery.

2. Civil War

2.1. Confederacy versus Union

2.1.1. The students can describe what the Union and the Confederacy were.

2.2. What the confederacy and the union wanted?

2.2.1. The students can describe why the Confederacy and the Union started the war and what they wanted to achieve by means of the war. The students read a text and answer questions about it. The students write a diary fragment in which they reflect on the start of the Civil War from the perspective of a slave/ slaveowner.

2.3. The most important events

2.3.1. The students can describe the most important events that happened during the civil war. The students make a timeline with a short description of the event that they found most interesting.

2.4. How did the war end and how did the confederacy lose?

2.4.1. The students can describe how the Civil War ended and they can explain why the Confederacy lost.

2.4.2. The students can describe which changes the war brought about in America.

2.5. The Emancipation Proclamation

2.5.1. The students can Explain why the Emancipation Proclamation was also important. Students watch a clip about The Emancipation Proclamation: Students answer questions about the clip and they take a look at the role of black soldiers.

2.6. Role of 'blacks' during the civil war

2.6.1. The students can describe the role the black people had in the civil war, how they were treated by their superiors and how their position changed during the war. The students read a text and they also compare Civil War posters. What differences can they find if the compare posters aimed at blacks and whites?

2.7. Impact on people's lives

2.7.1. The students know what impact the war had on the lives of the people living in the Confederacy and the Union. The students discuss what impact the war had on people's lives. They decide from which perspective they want to write (Union/ Confederate soldier, African-American, mother/wife/child etc.)

3. Civil Right Movement

3.1. Lesson 1: Introduction in de CIvil rights movement

3.1.1. The students can place themselves in the civil rights movement and describe the events and/or feelings of the time Activity: The students read sources on al the events and write about one of them

3.1.2. The student know about: The march on Washington Rosa Parks The Little Rock Nine And can describe one of them in depth

3.2. Malcom X versus Martin Luther King

3.2.1. The students are able to describe the difference between the Malcom X's and Martin Luther King Jr's vision on the civil rights movement The students hear the difference between opinions and can catogorize the difference Activity: Listen to two interviews put the oppposing theories in to catogories Activity: Students stage and record a debate with the two opposing theories

3.3. Sit-in

3.3.1. The students know what a sit-in was and can empathise with the feeling of both the racists and the repressed. Activity: Students watch a reenactment of a sit-in and perfom and record one of their own.

3.3.2. The students can use the grammatical structure the imperative to convey a urging message Students need the imperative to convey the message of the racists in the sit-in Acitivity: The students write down all the imperatives they hear in the reenactment.

3.4. Lynching

3.4.1. The students know what lynching was and what kind of cultural inpact it had on African-Americans. Activity: Students watch a video about lynching

3.4.2. The students can reflect on the sentiment of Billi Holiday in her song Strange Fruit Activity: Students listen to strange fruit and underlind the lynching references Activity: Students perform and record an interview with Billi Holiday

4. Equality?

4.1. Future

4.1.1. The student is able to form his or her opinion on equaility You are a candidate to become president. Write your speech on how you want to change the world concerning racism and how you want to accomplish equality.

4.2. The student knows the definition of Racism and Discrimination

4.2.1. The student can tell the differences between Racism and Discrimination The student is able to compare the situation before the Equal rights and after. The student can give an example of a situation. Activities

4.3. The student is able to describe what happened in Ferguson.

4.3.1. The student is able to link the situation in Ferguson to equality. Read the text Wh- questions Words they should know

4.4. The student knows examples of successfull black Americans

4.4.1. Activity: Listen to an interview with Oprah. The students can tell how she accomplished equality.

5. End Product

5.1. The student is able to write an essay giving their opinion on the situation concerning the Black Americans.

5.1.1. Write an essay abuot your opinion using the information you received in the lessons.