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Enlightenment par Mind Map: Enlightenment

1. Voltaire

2. Social Contract

3. Checks and Balances

3.1. The House of Representatives

3.2. The Senate

4. Freedom of Speech

5. Rule of Law

5.1. Magna Carta

5.2. English Bill of Rights

5.3. Salutary Neglect

6. British Taxation

6.1. George Grenville

6.2. Vice-Admiralty Court in Halifax

6.3. Stamp Act

6.4. Sugar Act

7. Thomas Hobbes

7.1. Laws of Nature

8. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

8.1. The Social Contract

9. Baron de Montesquieu

9.1. The Spirit of Laws

9.1.1. Splitting of Government into Three Branches Executive Legislative Judicial

10. John-Locke

10.1. Two Treaties of Government

10.2. Natural Rights

11. American Self-Government

11.1. Mayflower Compact

11.2. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

11.3. House of Burgesses

11.4. Albany Plan Union

12. Challenging Authority

12.1. The First Great Awakening

12.2. The Glorious Revolution

13. American Responses

13.1. Stamp Act Congress

13.2. Sons of Liberty

13.3. Boston Tea Party

13.4. Declaration of Rights and Grievances

13.5. Non-importation Agreements

13.6. Revenue Act

13.7. Continental Association

13.8. Committees of Correspondence

13.9. Gaspee Affair

13.10. Olive Branch Petition

13.11. Suffolk Resolves

14. British Policies

14.1. Mercantilism

14.2. French and Indian War

14.3. Proclamation of 1763

14.4. Declaratory Act

14.5. Townshend Acts

14.6. Writs of Assistance

14.7. Quartering Act

14.8. Tea Act

14.9. Coercive/Intolerable Acts

14.10. Currency Act

15. Revolutionary Events

15.1. Boston Massacre

15.2. Siege of Boston

15.3. First Continental Congress

15.4. Battles of Lexington and Concord

15.5. Second Continental Congress

15.6. Common Sense

15.6.1. Written by Thomas Paine

15.7. Declaration of Independence

15.7.1. Democracy

16. Founding Fathers

16.1. Thomas Jefferson

16.2. John Adams

16.3. Roger Sherman

16.4. Benjamin Franklin

16.5. George Washington

16.5.1. Against Political Parties

16.6. James Madison

16.7. Alexander Hamilton

17. Three Branches of Government

17.1. The Executive Branch

17.2. The Legislative Branch

17.3. The Judicial Branch

18. Early Presidents

19. Original Political Parties

19.1. Anti-Federalists

19.1.1. Thomas Jefferson

19.1.2. James Madison

19.2. Federalism

19.2.1. Alexander Hamilton

20. The Constitution of the United States

20.1. First Constitution was the Articles of Confederation

20.2. Freedom

21. Ratification

22. Virginia Plan

22.1. Virginia’s Declaration of Rights

22.2. Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

23. Representation

23.1. Census

23.1.1. Slaves Representation Three-fifths Compromise

24. Democracy

24.1. Popular Sovereignty

25. New Jersey Plan

25.1. Proposed one vote per state

26. The Federalists Papers

26.1. Proposed ratification of the Constitution

27. The Land Ordinance of 1785

27.1. Raise money through the sale of land

28. The Land Ordinance of 1785

28.1. Congress can't raise revenue by direct taxation.

29. The Northwest Ordinance

29.1. The admitting of new state to the Union.