Good Supervision

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Good Supervision par Mind Map: Good Supervision

1. Good Supervision Practices

1.1. 11 Practices of effective postgrad supervisors

1.2. Learning skills and Well-being support

1.2.1. Library support

1.2.2. Health and well being, Campus Wellbeing and Support Service

1.2.3. Learning skills support

1.3. Use of, and training in, digital technology in supervision and academic life

1.3.1. Use and support of students via electronic means (skype, email, etc)

1.3.2. introducing students to the use of technology in academic life

1.4. Cross-cultural supervision

1.5. Considering and preparing students for a career pathway

1.5.1. Change in pathways for graduate students; fewer now tenured uni postitions.

1.5.2. Greater diversity in work area; education, private, govt, etc.

1.5.3. Greater numbers of short term contracts; ? impact on future employment and insecurity

1.5.4. Clear need to discuss these issues with students, perhaps ensure they are fostering relationships during candidature with a wider number of potential employers, including private and international contacts

2. Good Administration

2.1. Research Integrity

2.1.1. Codes and policies apply to both staff and HDR candidates

2.1.2. A variety of policy documents are available on MQ Policy Central website governing the conduct of research on humans and animals, the use of data, open access, and somewhat exorbitant overheads policy.

2.1.3. Research Integrity Office provides both education and investigation surrounding issues or research integrity; contact them if in doubt

2.1.4. HDR students must be made aware of expectations; what constitutes plagiarism, who will get authorship, need for ethical approvals, disclosing conflict of interest, issues with integrity of data

2.2. The Australian context

2.2.1. Clarke and Lunt (2014) review some interesting differences in the conduct of postgraduate training internationally

2.2.2. Supervisor registration is the norm

2.2.3. Research is governed by the ACRCR Compliance required for NHMRC and ARC funding

2.3. Supervising Masters of Research

2.3.1. 2 year preparatory course leading to PhD

2.3.2. Includes coursework and structured research program

2.3.3. Similar to many other international practices

2.4. Supervising Cotutelle/Joint PhD

2.4.1. International collaboration fostered by partnering for HDR student programs Cotutelle This model is a more truly joint program for the student, 2 submissions, graduations, etc. Joint PhD HEre, essentially, one university takes the lead, partner unis need academic senate approval Scholarships available for both for high performing students, some external ones as well, max 3 years candidature, must consider appropriateness and practicality of joint program. Most have so far been with China and Europe

2.5. Master of Exchange

2.5.1. New joint Masters of Reseach programs Only with selected university partners, both inbound and outbound programs available Ensure equivalence and establish connections with faculty before student begins Candidates and programs must be faculty approaved Tuition fees paid to home uni, some support available for travel via scholarship

2.6. Candidacy management

2.6.1. HDR Forms

2.6.2. Candidacy management plan

2.6.3. HDR Integrity and Misconduct

2.6.4. Rules and Policies

3. Good Relationships

3.1. Matching the expectations of the supervisor and the student is one point that comes to mind here and came out in some of the video material.

3.2. Clearly making time for HDR students is extremely important

3.3. Approaching supervision as teaching interms of prep, motivation, etc may be a useful approach

3.4. Involves not only academic support but also emotional/psychological support

3.5. The case study provided highlights; need for documentation, necessity of regular meetings, ensuring expectations of both parties are aligned, also the importance of good mediation procedures when disagreement takes place.

4. Good Contributions to Knowledge

4.1. Increasing the knowledge base/ evidence based practice of supervision

4.1.1. Could be formal academic research into better supervision models or methods

4.1.2. Or Informal discussion between supervisors

4.1.3. Or looking carefully at the existing literature base for good supervision Hands on appears better than hands off for timely completions Formal training in research training for students seems important Screening and admission policies may be important Importance of supervisor training emphasised in research ...etc. whilst not a great number of quantitative studies there a re great many qualitative studies to examine.

4.2. Perhaps this could be seen as an extension of the evidence based practice model which we apply in clinical practice.

4.2.1. Existing literature and academic knowledge on best supervision practices

4.2.2. Own experience with what consititues good supervision

4.2.3. Student input (best practice as indicated by academic literature may not suit each individual student, their input into the supervision model/strategies which work best for them should be considered too.)

4.3. HDR supervision as a speciality branch of teaching with somewhat distinct roles, methods, etc that may not be reflected in general teaching literature.

5. Well Managed Workloads

5.1. A variety of models are possible, the model which allows supervisor/s to spend adequate time with the candidate should be selected.

5.2. Important point is that each supervisors role must be clear from the outset (i.e. what is each person responsible for)

5.3. The supervision should also be included formally in the workload model

5.4. Supervisor contracts and casual appointments must be considered when planning a candidates progress.

5.5. It is a good idea to consider authorship clearly, the Australian code for the Responsible Conduct of Research should guide decision making regarding who should qualify as an author.

6. = Evidence based supervison