Reading Comprehension

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Reading Comprehension par Mind Map: Reading Comprehension

1. What is Reading Comprehension

1.1. The act of understanding what you are reading.

1.2. Reading comprehension is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during and after a person reads a particular piece of writing.


2. How reading comprehension is important in a Criminal Justice education

2.1. The ability to interpret laws, reports, statistical information, and multiple forms and regulations is a high priority within the Criminal Justice field.

2.2. These skills are required of all levels of the field and include varying levels from basic Patrol Officer to Chief


2.3. Being able to read and comprehend the information in crimes can help you deduce information

3. Improving Reading Comprehension

3.1. Decode what we read

3.2. Make connections between what we read and what we already know

3.3. Think deeply about what we have read
