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Doru par Mind Map: Doru

1. Status

1.1. Coding

1.1.1. 5 The strongest TD2 we have

1.2. Technology (Instruments, Techniques, Processes)

1.2.1. 4

1.3. Architecture

1.3.1. 3

1.4. Team Dynamics

1.4.1. 2

1.5. Client

1.5.1. 2

1.6. Organization / Budget

1.6.1. 1-2

2. Objective: Reach TD3 in Sept/October

2.1. Improve Dryfuss scores on 2 axes

2.1.1. Eg: Do an architercture/ pre-sales mission

2.1.2. Eg: Do team dynamics experiments

2.1.3. Eg: Discuss Budgets & Risks with TL

2.1.4. Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Management 3.0 - Managing for Hapiness Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design Building Evolutionary Architectures

2.2. Project Actions

2.2.1. Create an instrument for KS

2.2.2. Facilitate Norming

2.2.3. Contribute something to commons Specification Pattern?

3. Objective Description: Can represent Cegeka in a delegation, to open a new project

3.1. Tech

3.2. Business

3.3. People

3.4. Budget

3.5. Risks