20th Century-Decolonization

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20th Century-Decolonization par Mind Map: 20th Century-Decolonization

1. Three patterns

1.1. Civil War

1.1.1. China 1949-Great's Peolple Revolution

1.2. Negotiated independence

1.2.1. Africa Africa for Africans

1.2.2. India Gandhi Peaceful Protests

1.3. Incomplete decolonization

1.3.1. Palestine, Algeria, Southern Africa Presence of European immigrant groups impeded negotiations

1.3.2. Vietnam complicated by France's colonial ties and Cold War politics

2. Process of Decolonization

2.1. Surge of anti-colonial nationalism after 1945

3. Global events influential in Decolonization

3.1. Imperialism

3.2. Growing Nationalism

3.3. I World War

3.4. II World War

3.5. Cold War