Curation as a 21st Century Skill

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Curation as a 21st Century Skill par Mind Map: Curation as a 21st Century Skill

1. Collaboration

1.1. Collaborate using digital media

1.2. Digital citizenship and ethical use

1.3. Self-regulation and reflection

1.3.1. Choose your content wisely!

2. Critical Thinking

2.1. Information and Discovery

2.2. Interpretation and Analysis

2.3. Problem Solving

2.3.1. Find new ways to solve classroom issues

3. Tools and Strategies on Curation & 21st Century Skills



4. Communication

4.1. Communicate using digital media

4.1.1. Using a curation tool to discuss new resources with collegues

4.2. Communicating in diverse environments

4.3. Engaging in conversations and discussions

5. Creativity

5.1. Idea generation

5.1.1. Stop reinventing the wheel--use your resources

5.2. Openness and courage to explore

5.3. Creative production and innovation

6. Curation Tools

6.1. Diigo

6.2. Scoop.It

6.3. Pinterest

6.4. Symbaloo

6.5. iFlow

6.6. Learnist

6.7. Storify

6.8. Trap.It