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HCR 311 par Mind Map: HCR 311

1. Was a German born theoretical physicist. He developed the general theory of relativity

2. Albert Einstein

3. " Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new" Albert Einstein

4. "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing  upon the shoulders of giants " Issac Newton

5. From Woolsthrope, England. He was a English Physicist and Mathematician. Most famous for his law of Gravitation.

6. Both Einstein &  Newton had intellects that carried them to ever know continent.

6.1. Both Newton & Einstein were principally theoretical physicists.Both Studies mathematics

7. Isaac Newton,

8. Comparison

9. Both developed  worldviews. Both were Artists and they preferred to work isolation.

9.1. Both devoted themselves to simplicity and mathematical beauty .They did their greatest work in their mid -twenties