Drugs of Abuse

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Drugs of Abuse par Mind Map: Drugs of Abuse

1. definition drug abuse: using chemicals for nontherapeutic use of body and mind

2. Hallucinogens

2.1. LSD

2.1.1. partial agonist at 5HT2A receptors

2.1.2. cery colorful hallucinations, mood alterations,sleep disturbances, anxiety, tachycardia, increase BP, increase T, dizziness, anorexia, sweating, loss of judgement, impaired reasoning

2.2. marijuana

2.2.1. activates cannabinoid/CB1 receptors

2.2.2. physical relaxation, hyperplagia,increased HR, decreased muscle coordination,conjunctivitis, minor pain control, decrease shhort term memory(effects of marijuana GABA in hippocampus) long term: bronchitis, COPD, exacerbation of mental illness

2.3. synthetic cannabinoids

2.3.1. greater effects than cannabis, tachycardia, hypertension,extreme halluccinations

3. ethanol

3.1. decreased life expectancy 10-15 years

3.2. CNS depressants, coma, respiratory depression,chronic: hepatic, CVS, pulmonary , hematologic,endocrine, metabolic & CNS damage

3.3. enhancing GABA, induce endogenous opioids release, alter levels of serotonin and dopamine

3.4. Rx: symptomatic supportive care, thiamine and folic acid,

4. Sympathomimetics

4.1. amphetamines

4.1.1. eg:methamphetamines

4.1.2. moa same with cocaine

4.1.3. effects same as cocaine but longer and have more stimulation but less euphoria

4.1.4. Rx: same as in cocaine

4.2. cocaine

4.2.1. eg:cocaine hydrochloride powder, crack cocaine

4.2.2. inhibiting reuptake of NE

4.2.3. depression, dysphoria,agitation, paranoia,hyperthermia,convulsions, chest pain

4.2.4. Rx: calming, benzodiazepines , Short acting antihypertensive,anticonvulsants, symptomatic suportive care

4.3. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine,MDMA(ecstacy)

4.3.1. hallucinogenic amphetamine with profound serotonin releasing effect

4.3.2. profound hyperthemia, altered mental status, movement disorders(serotonin syndrome)

4.3.3. Rx: Bezodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers,endotracheal intubation, cyproheptadine

4.4. synthetic cathiones(bath salts)

4.4.1. increase release and inhibit reuptake of cathecolamines

4.4.2. psychotomimetic effects

4.4.3. Rx: same with amphetamines and cocaine