Hero's Journey

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Hero's Journey par Mind Map: Hero's Journey

1. HomePage - Invite user to engage with the quiz. Set expectations - Inspire Honest Answers - Drive Credibility.

1.1. End of Quiz , results in presenting the user with their Stage of the Journey - (Given the Explorer traffic sources we are utilizing (eg Treasure Hunts) - I expect the results to be skewed to the Journey aspect of their current existence.) *Build Trust

1.1.1. Hero's Journey Web Content to embody the Hero's Journey stage the user is in. *Build Trust The current eBook Summary of the entire Hero's Journey = Breaks out each champion *Build Trust (Inspires user to take the Test of Champions) Offers Email Campaign

1.2. Questions inserted to Entreprenuerial traits in the user. If determined then user goes into this flow *Build Trust

1.2.1. Hero's Journey Web Content to embody the Hero's Journey stage the user is in. Entrepreneurial Content seeded into the outcomes. *Build Trust The current eBook Summary of the entire Hero Journey Breaks each Champion *Build Trust (Inspires user to take the Test of Champions) Gateway Page that encompasses everyone who is or desires to be an Entrepreneur. - (Copy is questions that ask: Do you want to drive more success? Are you looking into what it takes to own a business? Is being an entrepreneur something you have always wanted, however felt intimidated?) *Opening the door to our Entrepreneur content Email Campaign

2. Gold = Build Trust | Green = Expose new content | Orange = Our Asks | Blue = Top Level Topic | White = Coming Soon