Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors par Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. Italian navigator

1.2. Spain sponsored his voyage

1.3. dreamed of reaching East Indies

1.3.1. sailed Atlantic 1492

1.3.2. realized earth is larger than he expected

2. Ferdinand Magellan

2.1. Portuguese nobleman

2.2. left Spain with 5 ships

2.2.1. 1519

2.2.2. found a way to the Pacific endured extreme weather Strait of Magellan

2.2.3. travelled to West Indies wnated to go to Spice islands underestimated size of Pacific

3. Prince Henry

3.1. Portuguese navigator

3.2. led exploration to Asia

3.2.1. went around Africa

3.2.2. discovered/claimed Modiera and Azoras 1419

3.3. discovered/claimed Modiera and Azoras

3.4. wanted to

3.4.1. convert Muslims to Christiainity

3.4.2. find riches through Muslim traders

4. Vasco da Gama

4.1. Portuguese navigator

4.2. led 4 ships on 10 month voyage

4.2.1. around Cape of Good Hope, Africa 1497

4.2.2. reached West Coast of Calicut, India a spice port

4.3. accomplishments

4.3.1. obtaining cargoes of spices to sell

4.3.2. gained large profits

4.3.3. placed Treaty on Calicut ruler 1502