Explorers and Conquerors= 15th and 16th

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Explorers and Conquerors= 15th and 16th par Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors= 15th and 16th

1. Vasco de Gama

1.1. Born 1460, Portuguese nobleman

1.2. 2nd Journey, when he came back he was looked as the hero

1.3. Sailed from Lisbon, 1497

1.4. First to be able to sail around Southeast Asia and Africa

1.5. Second trip, was in India, they had to show their dominance and break down their defence

2. John Cabot

2.1. worker who sold spice in the Spice Trade in Levant

2.2. get the support to be able to search and find a better route than Columbus'

2.3. Left with a small crew and ended up in North America

2.4. His discovery really benefited England

2.5. He helped spread the English ways

3. Christopher Columbus

3.1. 1492, to sail to Spain in the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria

3.2. Hoped to find route to China and India, islands where gold and spices were

3.3. 4 journeys to the New World, discovering new areas

3.4. 1499, was sent back by the Spanish Government

3.5. Landed in Bahamas as we know of today, claimed first for Spain

3.6. Left a huge impact on society today

4. Ferdinand Magellan

4.1. Portuguese Explorer born 1480

4.2. 1519, with ships to find route to Spice islands

4.3. Was killed on his trip but is acknowledged today

4.4. Wanted to be first to find western route seeing how spices were that valuable

4.5. Was technically the first to go all around the world