The Norman conquest and the subjection of English

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The Norman conquest and the subjection of English da Mind Map: The Norman conquest and the subjection of English

1. The Origin of Normandy

1.1. Over the following century and a half (after duke Rollo), the dukedom reached a position of great influence, over-shadowing at times the power of the king of France

2. The year 1066 (the story of the invasion)

2.1. In 1066, after a reign of 24 years, the English King, Edward the Confessor, died childless. England was faced with the problem of selecting a successor.

3. The Norman Settlement

3.1. One of the most important consequences of William's victory was the introduction of a new nobility (French nobility in England). Many of English higher class had been killed on the field at Hastings.

4. . The attitude toward English

4.1. English was considered the uncultivated tongue, the language of a socially inferior class. It was even a disgrace to be called an Englishman.

5. Knowledge of French among the Middle class

5.1. Equally, French was found somewhat farther down the social class even if their mother tongue was English

5.2. Thus, in the year 1204, the period preceding the lose of Normandy, there were a considerable number of French/English bilinguals.

6. The Historical period of Middle English

6.1. 1.Old English 449-1100

6.2. 2. Middle English 1100-1500

6.2.1. The beginning and ending dates of the Middle English period, though somewhat arbitrary, are two points in time in which changes in English were particularly noticeable

6.3. 3. Modern English 1600-until now

7. The Norman Conquest

7.1. It is an event that occurred at the end of OE period (the year 1066).

7.2. It is the last invasion of England.

7.3. The period of Middle English starts with the Norman Invasion.

8. The use of French by the upper class

8.1. The new ruling class were sufficiently predominant to continue to use their own language, since they know no English.

9. Knowledge of English among upper class

9.1. Since English was the language of the greater part of the population, it was likely that many of the upper class were familiar with English.

9.2. By the end of the 12th century, English was not unusual among member of the highest class.

9.3. English language was spreading among churchmen, bishops, and men of education.