¿What is a commercial label?


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¿What is a commercial label? da Mind Map: ¿What is a commercial label?

1. The commercial label is a set of rules that govern the way in which people interact with each other in business, with customers, suppliers, with internal or external organizations.

2. business etiquette sins

2.1. -Do not greet or use a name -Leave people waiting -Interrupting -Lack of courtesy and respect. -Break a trust

3. Rules for good business etiquette

3.1. -Always use names in a meeting -The three Rs -Closet and hygiene -Make inappropriate jokes -Showing gratitude

4. Types of labels

4.1. -Persuasive Labels -Informative Labels

5. Label classes

5.1. -Label classes -Descriptive Label - Degree Label

6. The best way to develop a good business label would be to meet as a team and consider:

6.1. -How do we work with each other? -What is the image that we transmit to people? -Are we educated enough? -How can we show more respect, be more receptive and recognize people? -What are our standards?