Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

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Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) da Mind Map: Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

1. Life before the Civil Rights Movement

1.1. second child to MLK Sr. and Alberta Williams King

1.2. Born in Atlanta Georgia

1.3. attended segregated schools growing up

1.4. admitted to Morehouse College at 15

1.5. Earned his doctorate in systematic theology from Boston University in 1953

1.6. Married Coretta Scott King in 1953

1.6.1. Had 4 children: 2boys and 2 girls

2. Contributions to the Civil Rights Movement

2.1. Nonviolent Resistance

2.1.1. Mahatama Ghandi

2.1.2. SCLC

2.2. Montgomery Bus Boycott

2.2.1. 381 days

2.2.2. Rosa Parks

2.3. March on Washington

2.3.1. Nobel Peace Prize

2.3.2. "I Have a Dream"

2.4. Voting Rights Act

2.4.1. SCLC held mass meetings to register voters

2.4.2. March from Selma to Alabama

3. Death and Beyond the Civil Rights Movements

3.1. Shot by James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968

3.1.1. sentenced to 99 years

3.2. Monument in Washington D.C.

3.2.1. August 28, 2011

3.2.2. 48th Anniversary of March on Washington

3.2.3. solid granite

3.3. Martin Luther king Jr. day

3.3.1. 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed bill

3.3.2. first one celebrated 1986