River Civilizations Mind Map

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River Civilizations Mind Map da Mind Map: River Civilizations Mind Map

1. Social Structure & Family Life

1.1. Sumarians

1.1.1. They would build ramps, columns and arches

1.1.2. Used timber, stone and bronze

1.1.3. Obtained many metals for building

1.1.4. Villages were beginning to become more complex and advanced

1.2. Shang / Zhou

1.2.1. It was based on a strong anarchy

1.2.2. Kings would be surrounded by a court

1.2.3. Went by a mandate of heaven

1.2.4. Also went by a dynastic cycle

2. Art & Education

2.1. Sumarian

2.1.1. They started to teach writing

2.1.2. Sculpture included large figures with wide open eyes.

2.1.3. Started to teach science

2.1.4. Started teaching math

2.2. Shang / Zhou

2.2.1. Art was tied to the use of oracle bones.

2.2.2. Metal work was very exclusive in arts

2.2.3. Liked to use bronze for art advancements

2.2.4. Used pictured symbols

3. Economy & Trade

3.1. Sumarians

3.1.1. Obtained a lot of there raw materials through trade

3.1.2. Lacked many raw materials

3.1.3. Traded woven textiles, timber, and stone

3.1.4. They had a distinct social hiarchy or rankings based on your economic standing

3.2. Shang / Zhou

3.2.1. Skilled with working with bronze, led to trade

3.2.2. there is evidence that the worlds first form of money was developed here

3.2.3. Tron was the backbone of the economy

3.2.4. Traded a lot of Iron products

4. Government & Leaders

4.1. Sumarians

4.1.1. Priests held a high statue in sumer

4.1.2. initially governed the city states

4.1.3. Sargon I created a permanent army

4.1.4. sargon was the first ruler to do so

4.2. Shang / Zhou

4.2.1. China was ruled by a strong monarchy

4.2.2. The king had a large army

4.2.3. shang china was a largely an agricultural society

4.2.4. Collected expensive objects

5. Religon

5.1. Sumerians

5.1.1. Believed gods ate, drank, loved, and married

5.1.2. Believed gods protected each city-state

5.1.3. Practiced polytheism(worshiped multiple gods)

5.1.4. Believed gods brought rich harvests and raging floods

5.2. Shang / Zhou

5.2.1. Placed valuable items in tombs

5.2.2. Believed in ancestor worship

5.2.3. Asked for advice with oracle bones

5.2.4. Believed steam from food contained ancestor spirits

6. Science

6.1. Sumerians

6.1.1. Developed math system based on the number 60

6.1.2. Used geometry for irrigation and to build structures

6.1.3. Invented the wheel

6.1.4. Used pottery for vehicles

6.2. Shang/Zhou

6.2.1. Development of chinese writing

6.2.2. Wrote on oracle bones

6.2.3. Worked with bronze

6.2.4. Created a calendar based on the moon

7. Geography & Agriculture

7.1. Shang / Zhou

7.1.1. the indian subcontinent includes three major geographic zones

7.1.2. monsoons need to bring water to survive

7.1.3. If monsoons rain is to heavy they would die

7.1.4. Heavy rains also added fertilizer

7.2. Sumerian

7.2.1. It is located between two rivers, Tigris and Euphrates

7.2.2. Located in the fertile cresent

7.2.3. Farming was not good, there was little rainfall so the Sumerians used irrigation systems from the Tigris and Euphrates

7.2.4. Flooding came without warning, Crops could be washed away in an instant