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Teacher Librarian role により Mind Map: Teacher Librarian role

1. Teaches how to navigate information, research, care about learning, fact-check, learn

2. Provides equal access

2.1. Regardless of age, race, gender, religion, nationality, language, professional/social status

2.2. To those unable to access mainstream library services/materials

3. Partner in local/regional/national library and information network

4. Makes library centre of meaningful learning

5. Plans and manages the school library

6. Encourages cultural, social awareness and sensitivity

7. Develop/sustain habit and enjoyment of reading and learning

8. Expose learners to diverse ideas/experiences/opinions

9. Team builder

10. Creates critical thinkers

11. Creates effective users of information in all formats/media

12. Works with teachers

12.1. Higher levels of: literacy, reading, learning, problem-solving, information and communication technology skills

13. Works with all members of the school community

14. Liaison with public library

15. Support learning and practicing skill for evaluating and using information

16. Supports use of books/informational sources

16.1. fictional

16.2. documentary

16.3. print/electronic

16.4. on site/remote