Tabitha is a newly hired occupational therapist at a high school program for 18-21 year olds who ...

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Tabitha is a newly hired occupational therapist at a high school program for 18-21 year olds who are on the spectrum of autism. The team tells her that they typically don't include the clients in their IEP meetings, but Tabitha feels her client, Leo, would benefit from attending his meeting. により Mind Map: Tabitha is a newly hired occupational therapist at a high school program for 18-21 year olds who are on the spectrum of autism. The team tells her that they typically don't include the clients in their IEP meetings, but Tabitha feels her client, Leo, would benefit from attending his meeting.

1. Stakeholders

1.1. Tabitha

1.2. Leo

1.3. Leo's guardian

1.4. Team chair

2. Possible Actions

2.1. Tabitha asks Leo's guardian for permission

2.1.1. The team chair finds no issue in her actions

2.1.2. The team chair feels Tabitha disrespected the program and releases her

2.2. Tabitha does not voice her opinion

2.2.1. There is no risk of her getting in trouble for going against the team chair

2.2.2. Leo does not benefit from attending his IEP meeting

2.3. Tabitha brings Leo into the meeting without asking his guardian or the team chair for permission

2.3.1. The team is impressed by her confidence in judgement

2.3.2. Leo's guardian and the team chair are upset that Tabitha did not ask for permission and she is released from the case

2.4. Tabitha voices her opinion to the team chair

2.4.1. The team chair is proud of Tabitha for advocating for her client and asks the guardian for permission

2.4.2. The team chair does not think it is necessary for Leo to attend the meeting and is upset that she disagreed with them

3. Chosen course of action

3.1. Core Values

3.1.1. Prudence She explains her personal judgement that intends to benefit Leo

3.1.2. Truth She tells the team chair that she disagrees with them

3.2. Ethical Principles

3.2.1. 1A. Beneficence She explains her plan to the team chair

3.2.2. 4L. Justice She works with the team chair to create an effective form of care for Leo