登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Fan Site 2 により Mind Map: Fan Site 2

1. 3.02.2 - Age Requirement Not Met

2. 2.02.1 - Renew Current Subscription or Upgrade 2.02.2 - Renew Current Subscription (Upgrades Not Available)

2.1. 2.03 - Billing Address

2.1.1. 2.04 - Shipping Address 2.05 - Payment Method: PayPal || Credit Card 2.06 - Order Review

3. 2.01 - Renewal Email Alert

4. Manage High Traffic Volumes

5. Checkout

5.1. Ship Products From New or Renewed Memberships (Address Validation)

5.2. New Subscription Order

5.2.1. 1.02.1 - Age Verification Gate 1.02.2 - Age Requirement Not Met 1.03 - Create An Account 1.04 - Billing Address

5.3. Renew Subscription Order

5.3.1. Login Forgot your password Email reset your pass

5.4. Purchase Membership as a Gift

5.4.1. Login 3.02.1 - Age Verification Gate 3.03 - Gift Information Forgot your password Email reset your pass

5.4.2. 3.10.1 - Are You a Current Subscriber & Redemption Code 3.10.2 - Gift Recipient - Age Verification Gate 3.10.3 - Gift Recipient - Age Requirement Not Met 3.11 - Gift Recipient - Subscription Confirmation Log In Forgot your password 3.10.2 - Gift Recipient - Age Verification Gate

6. My Account (User account)

6.1. Log In

6.1.1. Forgot your password Email reset your pass Reset your pass

6.2. Send Email to a Friend to Invite to Join the Fan Site, or Check a Product

6.3. Store customer information in CDC repository (newsletter)

6.4. Edit Shipping information

6.5. Edit Billing information

6.6. Edit Payment information

6.7. Edit account information by the link "Change password"

7. 3.14 - Gift Recipient - Account Creation Confirmation

8. Administration

8.1. “Log in as”(customer) Functionality

8.2. Manage Sales

8.2.1. Discounts Fan Admin generates promotion coupons Loyality program (Phase 2)

8.2.2. Add New Subscription to Existing

8.2.3. Ship Products From New or Renewed Memberships(matrix rates)

8.2.4. Ship Products From New or Renewed Memberships(integration with ESS)

8.2.5. Update Payment Information

8.2.6. Membership(std. magento admin (re)order?)

8.3. Manage System

8.3.1. Access Logs

8.3.2. Backup DB

8.3.3. Edit Transactional Emails per Fan Site

8.3.4. Rebuild DB Indexes

8.3.5. Transactional Emails(Auto generated/???)

8.4. Manage User roles/permitions

8.4.1. Artist Manager access Fan Site admin panel (roles/users)

8.4.2. Edit all Fields in the Membership Profile

8.4.3. Add New User

8.4.4. Ability to Set a New Password or Reset Password

8.5. Manage Customers

8.5.1. Edit all Fields in the Membership Profile

8.5.2. Look up Customer’s Purchase Date and History

8.5.3. Ability to Set a New Password or Reset Password

8.6. Reporting

8.6.1. Report by membership type

8.6.2. Report by Market (demographics)

8.6.3. Report by Sales

8.6.4. Report by Membership Status

8.6.5. Statistics Report

8.6.6. Product manager Fan Club event planning: Find out how many fans do you have in a market, communicate to fans of future appearances, VIP events

9. Secure Communication

10. Migration

10.1. Migrate Active Memberships History(5 years)

10.2. Migrate Promotion Codes

10.3. Migrate Orders, Order History, Payment Info