登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Pets により Mind Map: Pets

1. adjectives

1.1. big | small

1.2. clever | stupid

1.3. fast | slow

1.4. furry | skinny

1.5. lovely | ugly

1.6. tall | short

1.7. tiny | huge

2. colours

2.1. black

2.2. blue

2.3. brown | golden

2.4. ginger | red

2.5. green

2.6. grey

2.7. white

2.8. yellow

2.9. light | dark

2.10. two-coloured | three-coloured | multi-coloured

3. type

3.1. birds

3.1.1. budgie

3.1.2. canary

3.1.3. parrot

3.2. fish

3.2.1. clown fish

3.2.2. gold fish

3.3. arachnids

3.3.1. tarantula

3.4. mammals

3.4.1. cat kitten

3.4.2. dog German shepherd dalmatian mongrel puppy

3.4.3. guinea pig | hamster

3.4.4. mouse | rat

3.4.5. rabbit

3.5. reptiles

3.5.1. gecko | lizard

3.5.2. snake

3.5.3. tortoise (land)

3.5.4. turtle (water)

4. Pets are the best!

4.1. Basiswortschatz → Standard + AHS

4.2. Erweiterungswortschatz → AHS

5. phrases

5.1. My pet is a ...

5.2. Its name is ... | It's called ...

5.3. Its colour is ...

5.4. It can get between ... and ... years old

5.5. I feed it ...

5.5.1. once | twice | ... times a day

5.6. It eats ...

5.6.1. cat food | dog food | fish food

5.6.2. salad | carrots | fruit | vegetables

5.6.3. seeds | insects

5.7. I keep it in a ...

5.7.1. basket

5.7.2. cage | hutch

5.7.3. fish tank | aquarium | pond

5.7.4. house | garden

5.7.5. shed | stable | hayloft

5.8. It can | can't ...

5.8.1. catch ... mice

5.8.2. climb trees

5.8.3. do tricks

5.8.4. see | smell very well

5.8.5. swim | fly

5.8.6. talk | sing | bark

5.8.7. walk | run

5.9. It likes | doesn't like ...

5.9.1. catching | chasing ... mice

5.9.2. chewing on a bone

5.9.3. going for a walk

5.9.4. going to the vet

5.9.5. playing with ... balls toys

5.9.6. sleeping on a ... blanket chair

6. looking after your pet

6.1. brush ...

6.2. dry ...

6.3. feed ...

6.4. give ... a bath

6.5. play with ...

6.6. stroke ...

6.7. take ... to the vet

6.8. walk ...

6.9. clean out your pet's

6.9.1. basket

6.9.2. box

6.9.3. cage

6.9.4. fish tank

6.9.5. hutch

6.9.6. litter tray