Debit Card Process

Project Control, Project Closing, Timeline template

登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Debit Card Process により Mind Map: Debit Card Process

1. 寄出卡片

1.1. 信封格式

1.2. 卡片樣式

1.3. 條約審核

2. 收信狀況

2.1. 收到,提醒active

2.2. 沒收到幾天後提醒?

3. 充值

3.1. 取得BTC報價

3.1.1. 15分鎖定價格+3% 確認 成功 報價高於現值2%,失敗

4. active

4.1. 輸入卡號

5. Customer Information

5.1. 1.1 Name

5.1.1. Recruit Project Sponsor

5.1.2. Recruit Project Manager

5.1.3. Review Related Projects and Lessons Learned

5.1.4. Prepare Project Initiation Plan

5.1.5. Brief the Initial Project Team

5.1.6. Review Project Kick-off Plans and Presentation Map

5.1.7. Hold Project Kick-off Meeting

5.2. 1.2 ID/Passport No.

5.2.1. Establish Project Objective

5.2.2. Establish Project Scope

5.2.3. Map Requirements

5.2.4. Map Solution

5.2.5. Map Training Requirement

5.2.6. Review Project Scope

5.3. 1.3 Gender

5.3.1. Male

5.3.2. Female

5.4. 1.4 Date of birth

5.4.1. yy/mm/dd

5.5. 1.5 Valid

5.5.1. From

5.5.2. To

5.6. 1.6 Address

5.6.1. Estimate Project Costs

5.6.2. Identify and Quantify Benefits

5.6.3. Determine Break-even Point

5.6.4. Analyze Risk

5.6.5. Review Business Case

5.7. 1.7 E-mail

5.7.1. Prepare Initiation Stage Assessment

5.7.2. Review Initiation Stage Assessment

5.7.3. Follow-Up Initiation Stage Assessment

5.7.4. Compile Project Initiation Report

6. 上傳資料

6.1. 2.1 Passport

6.1.1. Establish checkpoints

6.1.2. Acquire team resources for stage

6.1.3. Conduct stage kick-off meeting

6.2. 2.2 ID

6.2.1. Determine Frequency of Meetings

6.2.2. Schedule Meetings

6.2.3. Brief Project Board

6.2.4. Prepare Meetings

6.2.5. Conduct Meetings

6.2.6. Follow-up Meeting

7. 審核重點

7.1. 3.1 對ID's name

7.1.1. Prepare Product Evaluation

7.1.2. Conduct Product Evaluation

7.1.3. Initiate Maintenance Process

7.2. 3.2 對帳單名

7.2.1. Prepare for Project Closure Meeting

7.2.2. Conduct Project Closure Meeting

7.2.3. Follow Up Project Closure Meeting

8. Apply now

8.1. log in

8.2. creat account

9. 確認

9.1. I (name), hereby confirm that the information above is true and correct to my best knowledge.

10. buy card

10.1. price

10.1.1. $10

10.1.2. 目前收0.03BTC

10.2. 交易畫面

10.2.1. I (name), have read, fully understand and accept all clauses in the WageCan Debit Card Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to the clauses of information regarding the WageCan Debit Card, fees scheme, personal information collection and use, user's obligation and responsibility.

11. 傳資料給通匯

11.1. 申請表格,規格

11.2. 簽名?

11.3. 如何傳?

11.3.1. fax

11.3.2. 掃描?

11.4. 傳送至通匯後多久作業時間可以寄發卡片?