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GC strategy により Mind Map: GC strategy

1. $2B launch value

1.1. Agreed value indicators

1.1.1. inventorize IRD valuation methods

1.1.2. select fit-for-purpose tool for GC

1.1.3. test tool on 2014 graduates

1.1.4. train team on valuation tool

1.1.5. set portfolio base-case "value"

1.2. 2015 "launch candidates" identified

1.2.1. assess value/novelty for 2015 graduates

1.3. Launch trajectory for candidates

1.3.1. define graduation plans

1.3.2. align plans with IRD budget cycle

1.3.3. budget plans tracked quarterly

2. Portfolio value doubled

2.1. Calibrated portfolio value

2.1.1. calibrate "value" for all projects

2.2. Current portfolio pruned

2.2.1. stop or accelerate projects <100M$

2.3. High value/novelty maturing portfolio

2.3.1. plan to accelerate high-value projects

2.4. Domain plans aligned with strategy

2.4.1. update and agree domain plans monthly

3. $7M external projects

3.1. Contracting process agreed with C&P/ETC

3.1.1. "Standard Contracts" approved and documented

3.1.2. train team how to use the contracts

3.1.3. used the contracts for 4 projects

3.1.4. understand pinch points contracts vs POs

3.1.5. implement contracts/POs within 3 mths/2 wks

3.1.6. track in SFDC time to develop contracts/POs

3.2. Deal flow improved using OI intermediaries

3.2.1. identify 2 ideas/quarter from STV fund-in-fund

3.2.2. complete experiment with Yet2 for FET

3.2.3. identify 6 ideas/quarter from US innovative scenes

3.3. Non-strategy tasks outsourced

3.3.1. sign blanket support contracts with SwRI & SRI

3.3.2. use blanket support contracts for 4 projects

3.3.3. experience blanket support contracts evaluated

3.4. Bar raised for submissions at pre-screening

3.4.1. 25% of maturing ideas are "green", no "reds"

4. Pro-active ideation

4.1. Ideation tools in use identified and assessed

4.1.1. inventorise and document ideation tools

4.1.2. assess the effectiveness/gaps of the tools

4.1.3. define and document best tool for each situation

4.1.4. define focal points for each ideation tools

4.1.5. define methodology for effective screening

4.2. Ideation tools used

4.2.1. train team how to use the tools

4.2.2. 2 ideation events per domain

4.2.3. assess the effectiveness of tool usage

4.3. Coherent set of domain challenges for 10x thinking

4.3.1. agree what "10x thinking" means

4.3.2. discuss challenges with businesses & CX

4.3.3. document challenges for external use

4.4. Geographically agnostic pockets identified

4.4.1. identify 2 new pockets for specific challenges

4.4.2. organise 2 ideation events in new pockets

4.4.3. assess the effectiveness/gaps of the events

4.5. Number of ideas increased by 10x

4.5.1. spend 30% of time to ideate to get 75% of leads

4.5.2. increase no of ideas screened by 10x

5. Other

5.1. Senior mgt provide air cover

5.1.1. organise QRBs with strategic updates with Jaco/Chris

5.2. GC portfolio aligned with PT/RDS strategy

5.2.1. organise half-yearly updates with key stakeholders

5.3. Strategy road map agreed, aligned and implemented

5.3.1. agree road map and execution plan

5.4. Best practices aligned with strategy and documented

5.4.1. best practices documented and agreed in WTM

5.5. Strategy execution tracked on team dashboard

5.5.1. develop and present dash board to team/Jaco

5.5.2. feed dash board from mandatory SFDC fields

5.6. Engagement skills & tools enhanced

5.6.1. present skills enhancement plan in WTM

5.6.2. skills enhancement plan and tools executed

5.7. Nov 2015 team meeting planned for 2016 planning cycle

5.7.1. define 9 Nov agenda and preparation & logistics