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ESP for dummies により Mind Map: ESP for dummies

1. What we offer:

1.1. We offer a worksheets which provide teachers on how to teach ESP/ Case studies provided/ also opportunities offered at ASU

1.1.1. Worksheets/ charts which show improvement of student success.

1.1.2. Screen cast: show my visitors how to access my site also direct them to the information provided by me.

2. Ways you can help:

2.1. This page will include worksheets and answer key for teachers to use.

2.1.1. Google form: Make a survey on my website for the people who liked it or not

3. Stories:

3.1. This page will include stories of students who did the ESP program

3.1.1. Social media: include a blog about ESP sucess

4. Home

4.1. Home Page: Gives you a description of what is ESP/ different kinds and basic information

4.1.1. Video project: Ill build an anime of what ESP is and the affects it has. Logo: Will be in IPA language and include it on the side of the site. Photo editing: Take my own photos on campus or within my classroom.

5. About

5.1. Will include what the page has content and also the internships you can take to experience ESP.

5.1.1. Graphic design: I will make flyers which will make people aware of what ESP.

6. Contact

6.1. Will give basic information on how to contact people to ask for help with the programs or ask general questions.

6.1.1. Strategic planning map: I will link head of ESP departments contact information. App Prototype: I will create an app in which students are able to find programs for ESP.