Encouraging a healthy lifestyle

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Encouraging a healthy lifestyle 저자: Mind Map: Encouraging a healthy lifestyle

1. Pets

1.1. Treat toys

1.2. proportion of their food

1.3. fitness appliances

1.4. something to encourage walking or some kind of activity

2. Prevention of Bad drugs

2.1. some kind of appliance

3. Food

3.1. Proportion sizes

3.1.1. can be a dish or cooking measurement

3.2. food storage so it only takes certain healthy foods

3.3. calorie intake conntrol

4. Drinks

4.1. Proportion control

4.1.1. prevents to much soda and alcohol

4.2. drink container

4.2.1. not really for a healthy lifestyle

4.3. prevent over intake of alcohol

5. money

5.1. amount spent

5.1.1. could design a wallet/purse

5.2. what it is spent on

5.3. keeping up with balance

5.4. tracker

5.5. lock/safe

5.5.1. something to keep safe

6. polution

6.1. Prevent polution

7. Sport

7.1. Time mangement

7.2. excersis

7.3. calorie control

7.4. encourage more of it

7.5. a specific sport

8. Grooming

8.1. Hair care product

8.2. hair(head)

8.3. keeping clean

8.4. hairbrush

8.5. teeth

8.6. skin

8.7. feet

8.8. hair(body)

9. Electrical use

9.1. time mangement

9.2. usage mangement

9.3. something to help with fitness design something where you exercise and also play games

10. smoking

10.1. prevention

10.2. create device to prevent or convince people smoking